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This module downloads a pre-built binary from the Gitea project releases page. No external package repositories are required. You can choose to install Gitea with default settings, or customize them using the custom_configuration class parameter.


The simplest use case is to rely on defaults, which will install the latest tested version in /opt/gitea.

include gitea

To install a version that has not been tested with this module, you must provide the release sha256 checksum:

class { 'gitea':
  version  => '1.17.0',
  checksum => 'bc4a8e1f5d5f64d4be2e50c387de08d07c062aecdba2f742c2f61c20accfcc46',

To customize the Gitea configuration, use the custom_configuration parameter (merged with defaults in common.yaml).

Refer to Gitea's Config Cheat Sheet for most settings and defaults. Each section in the cheat sheet is labeled by a human name and the config section in parentheses. The config section is a top level key of the custom_configuration hash, except DEFAULT which is an empty string.

class { 'gitea':
  custom_configuration => {
    ''        => {
      'APP_NAME' => 'Internal Code Projects',
    'server'  => {
      'ROOT_URL' => '',
    'ui'      => {
      'SHOW_USER_EMAIL'       => 'false',
      'MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE' => '4194304',
    'ui.meta' => {
      'DESCRIPTION' => 'My self-hosted code project service',
      'KEYWORDS'    => 'git,self-hosted',
    'indexer' => {
      'REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED' => true,
    'cache'   => {
      'ADAPTER' => 'redis',
      'HOST'    => 'network=tcp,addr=,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180',
    'session' => {
      'PROVIDER'        => 'redis',
      'PROVIDER_CONFIG' => 'network=tcp,addr=,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180',

Custom files allow you to add themes, override built-in templates, or serve additional files.

Use the gitea::custom::file resource to manage files in Gitea's custom directory. Subdirectories are automatically created for you.

gitea::custom::file { 'public/assets/css/custom.css':
  content => file('profile/gitea/custom.css'),
gitea::custom::file { 'public/assets/img/logo.svg':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/gitea/logo.svg',


When submitting pull requests, please make sure that the module documentation, test cases, and syntax checks pass.

Use the PDK to validate and execute unit tests:

pdk validate
pdk test unit

Use the PDK to execute acceptance tests (requires docker):

pdk bundle exec rake acceptance

Use the PDK to update the reference documentation.

pdk bundle exec rake strings:generate:reference


This module was forked from kogitoapp/gitea and is NOT compatible.