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Deep Water Workshop on EC2 Amazon AMI

A Deep Water workshop was presented at H2O Open Tour Dallas. The hands-on workshop is available in a public EC2 Amazon AMI. This document describes how to load and run this workshop. Note that this requires an account on Amazon AWS.

  1. Log in to your your AWS account at
  2. In the upper right corner of the Amazon Web Services page, change the location in the location drop-down to US East (N Virginia).

Change Location

  1. Select the EC2 option under the Compute section to launch the EC2 Dashboard.

Select EC2

  1. Select Images > AMIs on left navigation.

Images > AMIs

  1. On the Launch screen, change the dropdown at the top to Public images , then search for the Deep Water AMI using the ID: ami-10bd9607. Click Enter to begin the search.

Locate the AMI

  1. After the AMI is located, click the Launch button.

  2. At this point, you will be directed to choose your GPU instance type. Select an instance, for example g2.2xlarge, then click Next: Configure Instance Details.

Choose instance type

  1. Accept the default configuration for this instance, then click Next: Add Storage.

Configure instance details

  1. Specify a value greater than or equal to 50 GB for the Size value (storage size), then click Next: Tag Instance.

Add storage

  1. Enter a unique name tag to identify your instance, then click Next: Configure Security Group.

Tag instance

  1. Update the security group, and add rules as indicated in the following table (refer also to the image below the table):
Type Protocol Port Range Source
SSH TCP 22 Anywhere
HTTP TCP 80 Anywhere
HTTPS TCP 443 Anywhere
Custom TCP Rule TCP 8080 Anywhere
Custom TCP Rule TCP 54321-54330 Anywhere
Custom TCP Rule TCP 55001 Anywhere
Custom TCP Rule TCP 55011 Anywhere
Custom TCP Rule TCP 55021 Anywhere

These rules are necessary to open the Flow UI, Prediction Services, Jupyter Notebook server and log in to the instance via command line. Click Review and Launch.

Configure security group

  1. Review the configuration, and then click Launch.

Review instance launch

  1. A popup will appear prompting you to select a key pair. This will be used to log in to the instance via command line. You can select your existing key pair or create a new one. Be sure to accept the acknowledgement, then click Launch Instances to start the new instance.

Enter or select key/pair

After the instance starts, you can view/start/stop/terminate the instance from the EC2 Dashboard by clicking on Running Instances.

To open a Jupyter Notebook server, enter <Public_IP_Address>:80 in the address bar of your browser window. A message box will appear, prompting you to provide authentication. Enter deepwater for the username, and enter the AWS Instance ID as the password.

To open the Flow UI, enter <Public_IP_Address>:54321 in the address bar of your browser window.

You can log in to this instance using ssh with Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Putty (Window). For example:

ssh -i <Private_Key_File> ubuntu@<Public_IP_Address>

Note that the public IP address will change on reboot. Also, the key pair file should have restricted permissions (chmod 400 <Private_Key_File>).