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Preview HTML version in web browser

Maxim Kim edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 1 revision

With :make one can generate HTML file with the same name and in the same directory as source reST file.

That is usually enough for me, I have a mapping to open said generated HTML file when needed.

But for some people preview is needed without generating the file in the same directory. The next snippet is from

It creates a buffer local command RSTView that generates an HTML for the current reST file in temporary directory and opens it using default OS web browser, add to ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/rst.vim:

func! s:rst_view() abort
  let output = tempname() . '.html'

  call system(printf("%s %s %s %s",
        \ "",
        \ " --input-encoding=utf8 --stylesheet-path=minimal.css,responsive.css",
        \ shellescape(expand("%:p")),
        \ output
        \ ))

  " Comment/Uncomment what is appropriate
  " Windows
  exe ':silent !start ' . output
  " OSX
  " exe ':silent !xdg-open ' . output
  " Linux
  " exe ':silent !open ' . output

command! -buffer RSTView call s:rst_view()