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ToDo Mobile App

Folders Structure

  • actions (actions for redux)
  • assets (images)
  • components (react components)
  • constans (only const variable: styles, colors, etc.)
  • reducers (all reducers for redux)
  • screens (all apps screens (pages))
    • [FOLDER] (all you need to single screen)
  • store (redux store)


  1. Download and install expo app on your phone
  2. Start project:
    • you need node 11 (the newest version)
    • go to root folder
    • install yarn if you do not have
    • yarn install
    • npm install expo-cli --global
    • expo start --android/ expo start --ios
    • open http://localhost:19002 - Expo DevTools
    • click 'Tunnel' in lower left corner screen
    • in termin type "?" to open expo help
    • in termin type "s" and login to your account
  3. Go to app in your phone
  4. Scan QR code or click on link
  5. Wait for download
  6. Test your app :) -> hot reload is default after every time if you save file.
  7. Building apk/ipa