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🔦 Various shareable configurations (ESLint, Prettier, CommitLint, Commitizen, etc.)


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🐰 Getting started

A set of packages/utilities as devDependencies for linting and formatting

Table of contents

✨ Features

  • Extendable Eslint config + portable presets (Solid, React, NextJS, Prettier, Typescript, Vite, Astro...)

📥 Usage


# install dependencies
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile

pnpm run dev # bundles packages and listens to file changes
pnpm run build # generate a dist folder with declaration (d.ts) files


We use changesets/action to automate packages versioning and releasing using Github Actions CI/CD.

To make the automation work, you still need to create a changeset manually and commit the changes, which will basically trigger the version command in .github/workflows/release.yml, updating the semantic version of packages on this repository.

See our contributing doc for more details.