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Vacuum: Data validation library

Vacuum is a light-weight standalone library for data validation, heavily based on Laravel Validation.


$ composer require habemus/vacuum-cleaner

Basic Usage: The Cleaner Object

Instantiate Cleaner::class with input data and validate with built in filters. Cleaner::class accepts only arrays of data as input. Data can be of any native data type and objects. Native PHP file arrays will be converted to FileUpload::class objects.

use Habemus\Vacuum\Cleaner;

$validator = new Cleaner(array_merge($_POST,$_FILES));

$validated = $validator->validate([
    'name' => 'required|string|max:25',
    'email' => 'required|email',
    'phone' => 'nullable|digits:11',
    'privacy' => 'required|boolean',
    'quantity' => 'required|integer|gt:1',
    'upload' => 'present|file|mimes:png,jpg|max:2000000',


To check if input has validated use isValid() method. The validate() method returns data that has validated succesfully, even if not all of the input data has not been validated.

$validated = $validator->validate([


    //handle $validated data


    //display errors
    $errors = $validator->errors();



Filters must be enclosed in an array or separated by |. Filter parameters must be specified after : and separated by commas ,.

    'field1' => 'filter1|filter2|filter3|...',
    'field2' => 'filter1_with_params:param1,param2,param3|filter2',
    'field3' => [

Available filters

  • required - the field must be present and not null, empty string, empty array or empty file.
  • nullable - the field can be omitted.
  • present - the field must be present, but it's content is not checked.
  • bail - after this filter, stop executing checks as soon as a filter fails.
  • email - field must be a valid e-mail.
  • url - field must be a valid url.
  • alpha_num - field must contain only letters and numbers.
  • alpha - field must contain only letters.
  • numeric - field must contain only numbers.
  • digits:size - field must contain only numbers characters and must be exact size long.
  • mimes:extension1,extension2,... - field must be a valid FileUpload and match the specified extensions. Extension is guessed by file Mime Type and it's binary data.
  • file - field must be valid file upload (uploaded from user).
  • size:value - field size must be of exact value. Works with arrays, strings and files.
  • in:value1,value2,... - field must be one of the specified values.
  • gte:value - field must be greater than or equal to value. Works with numbers.
  • gt:value - field must be greater than value. Works with numbers.
  • lt:value - field must be less than value. Works with numbers.
  • lte:value - field must be less than or equal to value. Works with numbers.
  • min:value - field must be greater than or equal to value in size. Works with arrays and files.
  • max:value - field must be smaller than or equal to value in size. Works with arrays and files.
  • integer - field must be a valid integer.
  • boolean - field must be a valid boolean. Values accepted are true,false,0,1,'true','false'.
  • string - field must be a string.
  • date - field must be a valid date.
  • slug - field must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and -.

Custom Filter

It's possible to write your own filter using CustomFilter::class. The class constructor accepts a Closure as parameter. The Closure must have one $value parameter and must return either true on validation or false on failure.

use Habemus\Vacuum\Cleaner;
use Habemus\Vacuum\Filters\CustomFilter;

$input = [
    'murphy' => "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong",

$validator = new Cleaner($input);

$subject = 'wrong';

$data = $validator->validate([
    'murphy' => [
        new CustomFilter(function($value) use ($subject) {
            if(strpos($value,$subject) !== false){
                return true;

            return false;

Custom Filters also has the capability of running sanitize function on data being evaluated. Just pass the sanitizing function (Closure) as second parameter to the constructor.

$mySpaceRemoverFilter = new CustomFilter(
            return true;

        return false;
        return str_replace(' ','',$value);

The third optional parameter (true or false) is to instruct Cleaner::class instance to execute the sanitizing function after filter validation. Otherwise sanitizing functions are always executed first.

The Request Object

The Request::class is a small wrapper around the Cleaner::class validator instance that speeds up the process of validating HTTP requests data from forms.

use Habemus\Vacuum\Request;

$request = new Request(); //init from $_GET,$_POST,$_FILES global vars
$request = new Request($custom_data); //init with custom data

$validated_data = $request->validate($filters, $custom_validation_msgs = null, $sanitizer_fn = null); //validate data from request

$request->isValid(); // true or false
$request->getErrors(); //populated after validate()
$request->getValidated(); //populated after validate()
$request->getData(); // retrieve input data


This class has some handy methods to help you deal with files uploaded via forms. When FileUpload::class constructor is called, it can raise RuntimeException when attempting to guess file extension or while renaming it. When a FileUpload instance is succesfully created, the uploaded file is automatically renamed with it's upload name, avoiding duplications and overwriting. If you intend to keep the uploaded file it's mandatory to call the method store($destination_path), because the class destructor will delete the file automatically on exit.

class methods

  • isEmpty() - checks if file is empty
  • rename($new_path) - moves file to new path
  • store($path) - saves file to $path
  • getPath() - return current file fullpath
  • getFilename() - returns filename.ext without path
  • getExtension() - returns file extension
  • getMime() - returns file mime type

Now File and FileUpload are separate entities. tmp_path no longer exists, use getPath() instead.

Error Messages

To retrieve messages use errors().

$errors = $validator->errors();

$errors = [
    'field1_name' => [
        'filter1_name' => 'Error Message',
        'filter2_name' => 'Error Message',
    'field2_name' => [
        'filter1_name' => 'Error Message',
        'filter2_name' => 'Error Message',


This way you can check if field is present and which error has occurred. It's also possibile to specify a custom error message for a specific field by passing an array with custom messages as third parameter to Cleaner::class constructor.

$custom_messages = [
    'field1_name' => 'Il campo non è valido!',
    'field2_name' => 'You can use ###field### placeholder.',

$validator = new Cleaner($input_array,$custom_messages_array);

Other options

It's possible to sanitize all fields by passing a Closure as third parameter on Cleaner init.

$sanitize_all = function($value){

        return trim($value);

    return $value;

$validator = new Cleaner($input_array, $custom_messages_array, $sanitize_all);

Package developed by Habemus Agency in 2021.


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