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Envoxy Platform Framework

The Envoxy is a different kind of API REST framework and application daemon, we are trying to use all the best tools and technics together getting all their power and performance to be able to have all the platform running in one unique framework allowing communications and task distribution with:

  • Zapata using (ZeroMQ / UPnP);
  • RabbitMQ using (MQTT / AMQP);
  • Celery;
  • CouchDB;
  • PostgreSQL;

Build envoxyd (Envoxy Daemon) and envoxy python package:

What is envoxyd? It is the process daemon using embeded uWSGI customized to be able to boot our modules using the envoxy structure and API's.

$ make install

or using docker

$ docker build -t envoxy .

Steps during the build processs

  • Install dependencies
  • Delete previous virtualenv dir if exists (/opt/envoxy)
  • Create clean virtualenv (/opt/envoxy) with python3.6 version and activate
  • Give current user permissions to virtualenv dir
  • Install envoxy: python setup install
  • Prepare envoxyd files:
    • Delete src dir (vendors/src)
    • Create envoxyd src dir and make a clean copy o uWSGI
    • Copy envoxyd files to customize uWSGI
  • Install envoxyd: python setup install

Prepare packages to pypi repository

$ make packages

Steps during the packaging processs

  • Install Process
  • Create a Source distribution for both packages: python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Publish to pypi repository

On project root for envoxy and ./vendors dir for envoxyd

  • Make sure build dir was created
  • build dir must contain a .whl and .tar.gz of the current version
  • Upload current package using twine command and enter your credentials for the account you registered on the real PyPI.
$ twine upload dist/*

Run envoxyd

$ envoxyd --http :8080 --set conf=/path/to/confs/envoxy.json

How to use envoxy

Create a new project

$ envoxy-cli --create-project --name my-container

How to build envoxy with Docker

$ docker build --no-cache -t envoxy-ubuntu:20.04 -f envoxy-ubuntu.Dockerfile .
$ docker build -t envoxy .

Use an existent project path as volume

$ docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/project:/home/envoxy -v /path/to/plugins:/usr/envoxy/plugins envoxy

PostgreSQL connector samples

Select Query

from envoxy import pgsqlc

result = pgsqlc.query(
    "select * from sample_table where id = 1;"

Insert statement and Transaction block

from envoxy import pgsqlc

with pgsqlc.transaction('db_name') as db_conn:

    r = db_conn.query(
        sql="select * from sample_table limit 2"

    db_conn.insert('sample_table2', {
        "field1": "test",
        "field2": "test",
        "id": 1

all inserts statements must be placed inside a transaction block

CouchDB connector samples


valid selectors: eq, gt, gte, lt, lte fields: if defined will only return this fields, otherwise will return all fields

from envoxy import couchdbc

perms = couchdbc.find(
    fields=["id", "field2"]
        "id": "1234"
        "field1__gt": "2345"


Get the document by id

from envoxy import couchdbc

perms = couchdbc.get(

Redis connector samples

Get value

from envoxy import redisc


        "a": 1,
        "b": 2

# for more operations get raw client
client = redisc.client('server_key')


MQTT connector samples


from envoxy import mqttc

    { "data": "test" },


from envoxy import mqttc



from envoxy import on
from envoxy.decorators import log_event

@on(endpoint='/v3/topic/channels/#', protocols=['mqtt'], server='server_key')
class MqttViewCtrl(View):

    def on_event(self, data, **kwargs):



from envoxy.mqtt.client import Client as MqttClient

credentials = {
    "client_id": ":client_id"
    "access_token": ":access_token"

conf = {
    "myserver": {
        "bind": "mqtt://localhost:8000",
        "cert_path": "/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

mqtt_client = MqttClient(conf, credentials=credentials)
    { "data": "test" }