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HackJam: React Server Side rendering

Benefits of Server Side rendering

  • Fast
  • SEO
  • Social media sharing
  • Accessibility


To introduce you to Server Side Rendering step by step, we made 3 very simple apps that renders a counter:

  • A basic app src/counter-client/
  • A routing app in src/routing-client/
  • A Routing and Redux app in src/redux-client/

Each of those directories export an App.js that is used in src/index.js. Note that there isn't any bug in those directories. Since or focus is to server side render those 3 apps, your job is to fix the server.

Getting started

git clone
cd hackjam-ssr-react

Counter Client

In src/index.js verify the rendered <App/> component comes form src/counter-client/App.js.

Running the client

You can run the client in your terminal:

yarn install
yarn start

Server side rendering the Counter Client App

Building the client

To server side render this app, you have to build the client first: yarn build will create a build directory with an index.html you should serve on your server. The index.html requires javascript files which are in your static directory.

Starting the server

To run the server (an Express app), simply yarn start:ssr (S.S.R. stands for Server-Side-Rendering) This will execute your express app from src/server-bootstrap.js and make it available on http://localhost:3001/ (PORT === 3001) You should see a message displayed in the browser: I'm rendered from the server

Server side rendering the App

You should first replace I'm rendered from the server with the Counter App content. You should use renderToString function from ReactDOMServer: See docs to render the App.js from the counter-client directory. You should display it in a basic html template:

<!DOCTYPE html>


You should now see a very basic counter... but it doesn't work.

Server side rendering the App with the Javascript client code.

The difference with your build/index.html is that is contains links to your Javascript code. (among other). Just giving static html to your client, wont let it know how your application works. So, you need to send this javascript files too... or more simply send back the build/index.html file, but with your <App> component rendered in it.

Returning the index.html file

Use fs.readFile function to get the build/index.html file. Docs Don't forget to use utf8 encoding!!

What is happening now? Your client gets the index.html file and this file is requesting javascript links. For every Javascript file it asks for, the server sends back the build/index.html file. That seems totally wrong!!

Serving static files

We should tell our express app that all requests made on the /static directory should resolve a static file using express.static. You should now have a working client: a basic counter. But when you disable Javascript in your browser, you don't see your rendered app... (Or looking at the network tab, you can see the html is just the index.html, but not the app)

Sending index.html with the rendered app

In the index.html you should insert in the <div id="root"></div> your App component.

With Javascript disabled, you will see the static template returning. In the network, you can also see that the returned html contains the App. With Javascript enabled, your browser will then load the javascript files, and take over.

Routing client

Link your src/index.js to the App component in the next client: src/routing-client/App.js.

Run the client code

You can run the client code to how what is new in this app

yarn start

Your app will render but won't work because you're not rendering a <BrowserRouter /> in your App, you should add that in src/index.js

Server Side Rendering the Routing App

You should first build your client yarn build and link the App component in src/server.js to the src/routing-client/App.js file.

This will fail as your app should be wrapped inside of a router on the server as well.

Static Router

On the server you cannot use a browser router, instead you must use a static router

But simply wrapping your app inside of a Static Router won't really work...

Server side Rendering the Redux App

Changing the index

In index.js, import the App from the redux-client

Running the the client

Start the client by doing

yarn start

Fix it before moving on the next step

If should crash if you navigate to Counter

This is because react-redux can't find a store in the context, you have to setup the <Provider /> in src/index.js

Once your client works, run yarn build then move to the next step

Server side rendering the app

in src/server.js, import App from src/redux-client/app

The app won't work by default. You'll need to create a store on the server and wrap your App in a Provider on the server aswell.

Providing initial state to clients with JavaScript disabled

Simply passing an initial state to your redux store on the server will do the trick.

Disable javascript by opening your devtools > going into settings > disable javascript

Providing initial state to clients with Javascript enabled

What .. The solution from above doesn't work anymore :( That's because when the client the store from src/index.js kicks in and takes over the server side created store!

In order to pass data to the client, follow those instructions


Hackjam on server side rendering with React






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