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Prepare and store our weekly roundup emails.


Similar to the Rust community's, we want to have a weekly roundup that talks about what was done in the past week by varous contributors. This will help:

  • Keep people in the loop about what is going on at Protocol Labs and on IPFS.
  • Tell active contributors when new versions or tools are available.
  • Attribute developers who have contributed to open-source software related to IPFS.


The Weekly takes a lot of work. This work can best be done by being distributed. If you know of anything cool that happens in a given week, anything that other people might be excited about, add it to the weekly by adding a comment about it to the PR or Issue for that week's weekly.

Here are the steps to do that:

  • See something cool, or make something cool.
  • Go to the open PR for that week's weekly roundup.
  • Add a comment about the thing. Add a link, if possible.
  • Revel in the knowledge you are great.

Also, please help us out if you think the roundup could be better! Open an issue!

This repo

  • Stores the final versions for past weekly roundups, posted elsewhere - the blog, email, and so on;
  • Tracks issues related to the roundups in the issues;
  • Stores tools used to make the roundups

Process for writing 'IPFS Weekly' roundup

  • Open a Pull Request to create a new Markdown formatted file in the published folder. The naming format should be as in this example:, for the second weekly of the sprint starting January 5th in 2016.
  • Collect feedback and iterate on the draft.
  • Merge it after 24 hours.
  • Crosspost to ipfs/ipfs, the Blog, and Twitter.

If you need a core contributor to do this, get in touch with @RichardLitt.

Styleguide & Suggestions

  • Use people's GitHub handles and not their real names. Example: @RichardLitt, and not "Richard Littauer".
  • Try and include everyone who has made a PR or commented on an issue. Often, issue comments are major, pivotal contributions, and those should be captured!
  • Highlight, don't just summarize; a lot of work may be trivial, and higher signal is better noise.
  • In general, err on the side of giving credit to everyone involved. When people do the lion's share, mention them first. (Or even something like "@whyrusleeping and several others ... " if relevant. In the case of a release, you can link to the changelog which credits individually... but don't sweat this.)
  • In general, try linking larger phrases instead of single words. They're easier to notice and click on links.
  • In general, try highlighting why something is cool. Call attention to things if
    1. it is done and people should know about
    2. there is a call to action -- opinions are needed.
    3. it is specially useful to draw attention to something in the weekly.


Prepare and store IFPS Weekly roundups







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