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Repository files navigation v2


we're using python 3.10 at the time of writing (check .python-version). we're also using a nix-based program (devenv) to create a complete dev environment for the project. you don't have to use it. we provide a classic requirements.txt to install packages with pip.

we also use rigprep (rg) to search across the WIKI_DIR (the folder with the static HTML articles fetched from the MediaWiki). please install ripgrep if it's missing from your system — if missing, you'll get an error in the terminal fro the website telling the rg binary was not found.


if you're using devenv, do the following:

virtual environment

if you want to stick to Python's standard tools, then:

  • make a new virtual environment: python3 -m venv env
  • activate virtual environment: source env/bin/activate


to install all packages do:

  • try: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • else, make sure to upgrade pip: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip and try again with the above command

whenever you install a new package with pip, update the requirements list with:

  • pip freeze > requirements.txt

systemd config

the software is controlled through some systemd unit files (you can inspect them under ./systemd):

  • hd-www-frontend.service: runs the server (handling routes, redirects, etc)
  • hd-www-udp.service: runs the UDP server which listen to the MediaWiki instance sending messages whenever an article is created / modified / deleted

the above two systemd services are crucial for the functioning of the website.

there are two more systemd files that acts as a cronjob-like service. these are used to keep the frontpage up-to-date on a daily basis — necessary given that the frontpage is automatically updated only when any of the articles that it displays has received an update; so in cases when nothing changes for days, the upcoming events section might get out of date.

these two systemd services are:

  • hd-www-bg-task.service: to setup the necessary command to run on a given period of time
  • hd-www-bg-task.timer: to set the actual timer

everyday usage

there are two ways to use this software:

  1. run the local server that listens to MediaWiki UDP messages
  2. (re-) build part of, or the entire wiki, at once

first of all run the local MediaWiki instance (from this repo):

  • open a terminal, cd to the MW repo and run devenv up

then, if wanting to do 1:

  • open another terminal and cd into this repo
  • run source env/bin/activate (or devenv shell if you use devenv)
  • then run python server to listen to the MW changes

otherwise, if interested in 2:

  • cd into this repo and activate the environment
  • run python build-article or any other command to build the entire wiki, a specific category page, the frontpage, etc.

type python --help for a list of all the options.


there are two Python helper scripts to lint and format code:

  • the former runs flake8 and reports you a list of suggestions;
  • the latter runs isort and black to update the codebase by (1) re-sorting the list of imports at the top of a file, and (2) rewriting code in a specific style (eg using single quote, keeping correct whitespace between lines of code, etc).

you can run them manually by simple shell invocation:



this program acts as a static site builder for a MediaWiki instance. we define in settings.toml the list of categories we use to fetch articles from the wiki, and output a folder of static HTML files.

a backend server, besides serving HTML files also run a search feature by interfacing with the MediaWiki APIs.

originally the idea was to export the MediaWiki's wikitext beside the HTML, but the extra complexity added to handle this while building a static website grew way bigger than imagined. so we took a step back and now rely on MediaWiki's APIs to retrieve data (article HTML, article metadata, working with images, etc.).

overall we still achieve the plan to generate a set of HTML files that can be easily backed up, parsed, re-generated, and so on.


a local instance of MediaWiki must be run, in order to have this software working correctly.

check this repo to set up a MW instance:

then make sure to add the following to the .env.php file (RCFeeds example):

$wgRCFeeds['exampleirc'] = array(
    'formatter' => 'JSONRCFeedFormatter',
    'uri' => 'udp://localhost:1338',
    'add_interwiki_prefix' => false,
    'omit_bots' => false,
    'omit_anon' => false, # to detect wiki changes from scripted API requests
    'omit_minor' => false,
    'omit_patrolled' => false

local dev setup and TLS certificates

.env, settings.toml

this project needs two settings files to function:

  • .env
  • settings.toml


rename env.sample to .env and fill out the file using this reference:

  • ENV: set either dev or prod; this is mostly used to decide if using a local certificate when doing HTTP operation or not
  • SERVER_IP: set a host for the function => eg. localhost
  • SERVER_PORT: set a port number for the function (ergo, opening a port to listen to UDP messages from the MediaWiki instance) => eg. 1331
  • WIKI_DIR: path to static HTML output folder. choose a name for it (eg. wiki), create it, and set its name here
  • ASSETS_DIR: path to static folder: eg. CSS, JS, images
  • MEDIA_DIR: path for the media directory of WIKI_DIR => eg => <WIKI_DIR>/assets/media
  • LOG_DIR: set the directory where to write log files
  • BASE_URL: base API URL path => eg. for local setup: http://localhost/api.php?; for an online wiki https://wikixyz.tld/api.php?

we create a bot user to help programmatically creating, editing or deleting a wiki article. get credentials by visiting the Special:BotPasswords page of your wiki. then:

  • BOT_USR: use lgname

  • BOT_PWD: use lgpassword

  • LOCAL_CA: see below under local certificate

  • SEMAPHORE: number of max operations happening at the same time when doing async HTTP call. above this number the Python interpreter will throw an error. a good number is between 150-175, try and see what works.

local certificate

install mkcert or similar to create a local certificate.

for mkcert:

# if it is the first time, install it
mkcert -install

# then make local CA for current website, for instance

(you can use a different name for the certificate, eg mkcert <name>)

this will create two files in the current folder:

  • _

add an entry to .env with:

after this you can use https also in the dev environment while using this codebase!


this file mainly set website preferences, eg general wiki options:

  • wiki.stylespage: name of stylesheet page

  • wiki.langs: list of wiki languages, including default

  • wiki.frontpage.article: which wiki article do we want to use for the website frontpage?

  • wiki.frontpage.category: which category do we want to fetch for the articles displayed in the frontpage?

  • wiki.categories.<cat>: sets a list of categories to define which wiki articles we want to display on the website. the <cat> is the actual MediaWiki category we want to use. then, each category has some more options:

    • parse: should we parse it (eg download every article of that category) or not; useful when working on the codebase to speed up parsing process if using python build-wiki, for instance
    • nav: should the category be displayed in the navigation
    • index: should we build a category index page for it
    • fallback: using this category as fallback, in case the wiki article has no matching category with the given list of categories
    • label: some categories in the wiki might be called something, and we might want to display them in a different way in the navigation, in the URL path, etc.
  • wiki.footer_links.<page> (Conduct, Accessibility, Privacy Policy):

    • nav: add Conduct page to footer list of links
    • label: set label for the above link

domain.canonical_url: set default website URL domain.mw_url: set URL to the running MediaWiki instance we want to work with

and specific plugin options:

  • tool-plugin.host_default: which git hosting service fallback is the H&D MW Tool plugin using?
  • tool-plugin.host_default: a dictionary of git hosting services the H&D MW Tool wants to use
  • tool-plugin.branch_default: a list of branches to use when parsing information from the git repo set in the plugin; this works as a progressive list of fallback branch names


there is a CLI program at to run common operations. currently available commands are:

  • build-article <edit/delete>: helper function to trigger a change in the MediaWiki instance, instead of manually logging in to the MW editor and commit a change. the command takes two arguments: PageTitle and type of operation (edit, delete); the edit operation creates a new article if it does not exist yet, beside making a change to an existing wiki article.
  • build-frontpage: builds the frontpage
  • build-category-index : builds the given category index page
  • build-wiki: builds the entire wiki, where by entire it's meant the list of articles with specific categories defined in settings.toml
  • server: starts a local server and listen to specified port at UDP messages from the MediaWiki instance
  • setup: creates the necessary folders to run the website

start off by running python --help to see the available options.

to run a local web-server in order to browse the wiki folder, you can do:

  • uvicorn app.main:app --reload or use


This repository is published under the CC4r* license.


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