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HfLA GitHub Actions

Saumil Dhankar edited this page Jun 18, 2022 · 83 revisions

Workflows are yaml files

Supporting files can be

  • js.json
  • md
  • gitkeep

Hack for LA's GHAs

Scheduled to run at 7:00 every Friday Checks the in-progress column from the project board. Goes through each issue, and if there is an assignee, checks the timeline for the issue. If it is outdated, posts a comment to update the issue and ensures the label is changed to 'to update.' Else, change the label so it is 'updated'
Scheduled to run everyday at 11:00 Generates a new github-data.json and commits that to the repository
Issue opened Check if an issue has the three required labels. If not, add the 'missing' labels and post a comment about adding missing labels. If the issue has all, post a comment that congratulates and gives more details about the project board
PR opened, on push Checks and lints modified scss files in PRs
Issue closed Moves a closed issue into either the QA or Done column of the project board. If the issue has a “hard” label (Feature: Refactor CSS, Feature: Refactor HTML, Feature: Refactor JS / Liquid, Feature: Refactor GH), the issue is moved to the Done column. If the issue has no “hard” labels but does have an “override” label (role: front end), the issue is moved to the QA column. If the issue has no “hard” or “override” labels and does have a “soft” label (role: back end/devOps, Feature: Analytics), it is moved to Done. All other issues are moved to QA.
PR opened Creates an instruction on how to get a copy of a PR branch for review, then uploads the results into an artifact
Pull request closed An open script that could be triggered when a pull request is closed on the following branches 'gh-pages', 'feature-homepage-launch', 'feature-tech-dropdown'
PR opened, PR edited RegEx takes the issue number on the body of the PR, and uploads the results (including labels on the issue) into an artifact
Scheduled to run at 11:00 every Thursday Trim inactive members from the write team
Scheduled to run everyday at 10:00 Generates a new vrms_data.json and commits that to the repository
Workflow [Add Pull Request Instructions] completed Leaves a comment on new PRs with a link to the relevant documentation for reviewing PRs and the command line instructions for pulling down a new branch for review.
Pull request closed An open script that should house all the other scripts (workflows) that should be triggered when a pull request is closed
Workflow [Set PR Labels] completed This workflow is triggered when workflow [Set PR labels] is completed. Downloads artifact for the completed workflow. Then, gets the PR and issue number from the downloaded artifact and uses an API request to get the labels. Lastly, puts the same labels into the PR.

extra folders or files with unknown workflows

  • Supporting Files Folder: trigger-schedule - folder has one file .gitkeep and its empty - The .gitkeep was likely added as a way of forcing git to track the new empty directory when the person who created the GHA began working on it. This is not a supported feature of git and now that there is content in the directory, there is no real need for the .gitkeep file The commit message for the .gitkeep file is just “Create directory for gha refactor”
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