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Rob's x-end-idler design.
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colah committed Mar 14, 2011
1 parent 6163bb4 commit 65b08cd
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 89 deletions.
131 changes: 42 additions & 89 deletions x-end-idler.scad
Expand Up @@ -9,98 +9,51 @@

include <configuration.scad>
include <common.scad>
include <lib/mcad/nuts_and_bolts.scad>

thickness = 15;
length = 50;
width = 47.5;

bearing_inner_diameter = 7.5;

cube([width, length, thickness], center=true);
//idler mount
cube([20, 12.5, thickness], center=true);

translate([20/2+10/2-1,0,-thickness/2+bearing_inner_diameter/2]) rotate([0,90])
cylinder(r=bearing_inner_diameter/2,h=10, center=true);

wall_thickness = 4.5;

translate(v = [0,35,24.5]) {
union() {
difference() {
union() {
translate(v = [-25, -40, -16.6])
cube(size = [20,40,15.8], center = true);
translate(v = [25, -40, -16.6])
cube(size = [20,40,15.8], center = true);

//nut traps
translate(v = [-25, -29, -19.7])
cylinder(h = 7, r=m3_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [-25, -29, -20])
cylinder(h = 10, r=m3_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);
translate(v = [25, -29, -19.7])
cylinder(h = 7, r=m3_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [25, -29, -20])
cylinder(h = 10, r=m3_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);

translate(v = [-25, -50, -19.7])
cylinder(h = 7, r=m3_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [-25, -50, -20])
cylinder(h = 10, r=m3_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);
translate(v = [25, -50, -19.7])
cylinder(h = 7, r=m3_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [25, -50, -20])
cylinder(h = 10, r=m3_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);
//holes for axis
for (x=[-1,1]) for(y=[-1,1]) translate([x*15,y*15,0]) ziptie_hole(thickness+1);
translate([0,0]) z_nut_and_bushing_hole(thickness+1);

//holes for axis
translate ([0,-75,-17]) rotate ([0,0,180]) x_axis_rods();

module ziptie_hole(height)
cube([5,10,height], center=true);

translate(v = [0, -25, 15])
difference() {
union() {
translate(v = [0, -1.75-wall_thickness/2, -19.5])
cube(size = [17+wall_thickness*2,13.5+wall_thickness,40], center = true);
translate(v = [0, -3.5, -31.65])
cube(size = [35,17,15.8], center = true);
translate(v = [0, -0, -17])
cube(size = [17,17,60], center = true);
nut_and_bushing_seperation = 20;

//nut trap
translate(v = [0, -55, 15]) {
difference() {
union() {
translate(v = [0, -0, -19.5])
cylinder(h = 40, r=(m8_nut_diameter/2+wall_thickness), $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [0, 0, -31.65])
cube(size = [35,10,15.8], center = true);
translate(v = [0, 0, 16])
cylinder(h = 90, r=m8_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [0, 0, -78])
cylinder(h = 90, r=m8_nut_diameter/2, $fn=6, center=true);
translate(v = [0, 0, 0])
cylinder(h = 100, r=m8_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);
module z_nut_and_bushing_hole(height=100)
nut_radius = METRIC_NUT_AC_WIDTHS[8]/2+0.1;

//idler wheel connector
if (x_belt) {
mirror() {
translate(v = [0, -35, -12]) {
difference() {
translate(v = [35-wall_thickness/2, -5, 6])
cube(size = [wall_thickness,10,10], center = true);
translate(v = [32.5, -6, 6.5])
cylinder(h = 90, r=m4_diameter/2, $fn=9, center=true);
}else {
translate([-65,0,-12]) {
translate([34, -29, 20]) cube([39,13,41], center = true);
translate([23, -29, -2.5]) cube([17,13,20], center = true);
translate([30,-24,25]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h = 20, r=12);
translate([30,-15,25]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h = 10, r=8);
cylinder(r=10, h=height, center=true);
for (i=[0,1,1.5]) translate([0,i*nut_radius])
linear_extrude(height = height, center = true)
rotate(90) nutHole(size = 8, tolerance = +0.1, proj=1);


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