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ePaper Pi Calendar - An ePaper calendar project using Raspberry Pi Zero W

epical epical


Item USD
12.48 Inch ePaper Display 180.00
Pi Zero W * 6.00
Micro SD Card 10.00
5000 mAh Power Bank with LED indicator 29.00
Latching On/Off Push Button Switch 2.00
330 Ohm Resistor 1.00
4 Pin JST Connector 2.00
USB 3.0 Panel Mount Metal Connector 12.00
C8 Panel Mount AC Plug Adapter 9.00
C7 AC Power Cord 7.00
USB-C to USB Adapter with LED indicator 8.00
Micro USB Cables 5.00
11x14 Inch Shadow Box Frame 18.00

* Availability and pricing keeps changing


More images in gallery

  • Pi Zero connects through the header pins available on the screen module.
  • A push button switch is added to the + red wire of the USB cable between power bank and Pi Zero PWR usb port for manual daily refresh.
    • Wire the push button indicator LED to + red and - black USB cable wires, with a resistor on the + lead
    • A male female JST connector is used for quick disconnect of button wires
  • The second Pi Zero USB port is connected to USB panel mount connector outside the frame
    • Use this USB connector port for always on power with an external USB cable
    • Also used to connect to Pi Zero for diagnostics if Wi-Fi is not available
  • The power bank AC Power prongs are connected to a C8 AC plug adapter outside the frame
    • Quick charging of Power bank by connecting C7 AC power cord when needed
  • Estimated battery usage % based on device uptime is displayed at the bottom right of the screen.
  • The power bank battery indicator LEDs are positioned to shine through the white paper border of the frame.
  • When device is off battery power LED turns off and the power can be turned off safely using the push button
off on
Disconnected Standby (Connector LED)
off on
On (Battery LEDs) On (Battery LEDs)


Module Details
epical The calendar layout
grid A simple grid layout engine
epd The Waveshare display driver
web Optional control server


  • Set up display driver
  • Create a python venv and install required python packages using make
$ make deps


See more configuration file details and photo formatting and selection details


Run using make

$ make run

Or run directly

$ mkdir -p ~/.epical
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd epical
$ python3

Or schedule the run using cron

  • When connected to external power, update daily using cron - modify example
  • When using a battery pack or power bank, update on boot and shutdown - modify example and

More details in power management and battery tracking

Run on Pi Zero device

hackorama@pizero:~/epical $ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) hackorama@pizero:~/epical $ cd epical
(venv) hackorama@pizero:~/epical/epical $ python
INFO     2023-07-01 18:06:56,467 - ePiCal 0.1.0
INFO     2023-07-01 18:06:56,471 - Data fetch 1/3
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,159 - Displaying resources/photos/photo.jpeg
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,632 - Battery up days   8
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,635 - Device boot count 5
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,643 - Device up time    3:29
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,646 - Display up time   0:10
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,649 - Battery           85%
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:03,671 - Initializing screen ...
EPD init...
set wiringPi lib success !!!
INFO     2023-07-01 18:07:06,731 - Preparing mono images ...
INFO     2023-07-01 18:08:48,492 - Updating screen ...
use time: 95.652717
INFO     2023-07-01 18:10:55,430 - Powering down screen ...
INFO     2023-07-01 18:10:55,570 - Finished screen
INFO     2023-07-01 18:10:55,665 - Uploaded epical.log
INFO     2023-07-01 18:10:55,779 - Uploaded epical.png

Run on local dev system

~/hackorama/epical $ source venv/bin/activate
~/hackorama/epical $ cd epcial
~/hackorama/epical/epcial $ python3
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:07,314 - ePiCal 0.1.0
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:07,314 - Data fetch 1/3
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:08,870 - Found override photo resources/photos/photo.jpeg
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:08,870 - Displaying resources/photos/photo.jpeg
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,078 - Please update battery charge time by running: date > ~/.epical/battery
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,079 - No 'uprecords' tool installed and no data file provided as ~/.epical/uprecords.txt
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,079 -   Please configure 'uptimed' and 'uprecords' following docs/
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:09,082 - Initializing screen ...
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,086 - EPD lib import failed: No module named 'RPi'
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,086 -   Please install EPD lib in ../epd/lib following epd/
WARNING  2023-07-01 18:25:09,086 -   Will run using virtual display
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:09,086 - Using virtual display ...
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:09,086 - Preparing mono images ...
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:10,575 - open epical.png
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:10,575 - open epical_black.png
INFO     2023-07-01 18:25:10,576 - open epical_red.png


See list of developer and user documents


$ make help
help:            Show help
deps:            Install required python packages
dev_deps:        Install required dev python packages
check:           Run python code checks
tests:           Run tests
run:             Run display test

Pending Features