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Releases: hacksalot/Physijs


22 Jul 19:34
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

This custom release of Physijs is identical to the original with the following modifications:


  • Ensures that the THREE symbol is defined (interim check to ease use of Physijs, or rather, Physijs's use of Three.js, in require/AMD scenarios).
  • Blindly / optimistically upgrades Physijs's former r59 dependency on Three.js to ^0.106.2. This has worked for my purposes so far YMMV.
  • Introduces a package.json file, allowing Physijs to be used with Yarn/NPM.
  • Doesn't introduce any new Physijs packages into the NPM or Bower registries (I'm not the author of Physijs).
  • Moves ammo.js and three dependencies from bower.json to package.json.

To add this release as a dependency, use npm install or yarn add with the GitHub repository syntax:

npm install hacksalot/physijs --save

That will create an entry in your package.json's dependencies hash:

"dependencies": {
    "foo": "*",
    "bar": "^1.0.0",
    "physijs": "github:hacksalot/physijs"

For an example usage in code, see hacksalot/extrovert.js/package.json. To see this version of Physijs in action, check out the xkcdown demo and accompanying sources.