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HW 0 | Web Development 101

HackYale edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 5 revisions

Part 1: Background

Each week, we'll try to have a part of the homework that helps gives you more tools as a programmer, but may not have been mentioned in class. This week, it's getting yourself familiar with the command line and creating an account on Github.

  • Work through up to Removing a File. On a Mac, you'll need to launch the application 'Terminal'. On a PC, you'll be using the cmd prompt—go to the start menu and type in 'cmd' in the search. This tutorial works for both PCs and Macs, and each section shouldn't take too long. If you already feel comfortable with the command line, still read through it—there are some nice tips that even experts might find useful. If some of the stuff is over your head, don't panic! Consult your bff Google, and if that doesn't help, then come to office hours. Total time: 30-60 minutes.
  • Create an account on Github, if you don't have one already. If you don't know what Github is: Total time: 5 minutes

Part 2: Implementation

Make a personal website (site means two or more pages). One page should have a list of your favorite websites, and links to them. Another should tell about you, and include images. All together, you should have at least 50 lines of HTML and 2-3 images in a folder called images. Follow all the good coding practices you've learned in lecture 0: indent properly and follow conventions (use index.html for your home page). Your about page should include your new Github username! Look at the work we did in class as a starting point. Total time: 1-4 hours, depending on your ambition.

Examples of personal sites

These are pretty advanced, and we probably won't get to advanced CSS like this until much later. However, it's good to start seeing what kinds of content people put on theirs. Inspect them in Chrome to see how they're made!

From the HackYale team


If you need help, first consult your best friend, Google (or Bing, or Yahoo! search...)
Then check out the class page. If you're still stuck, ask for help.