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Rust Bindings for the StarPU runtime

MPL licensed Continuous Integration Requires rustc 1.78.0+

What is this?

Modern distributed computing platforms are complex and heterogeneous enough that deciding which of the available hardware you should use to process a certain task can easily become a challenge.

StarPU is a runtime system which helps you to do so by letting you model your computation as a graph of asynchronous tasks with multiple implementations, linked by data dependencies. The StarPU runtime is then in charge of scheduling data transfers between available memory resources (including across machines in a cluster, between VRAM/DRAM/storage...), and scheduling execution over available execution resources, with the aim of achieving optimal execution performance.

StarPU optimizes its scheduling decisions by dynamically measuring the performance of the various task implementations as they run, and using these measurements to build a performance model of how available hardware performs at the task at hand. This model is, in turn, used to inform subsequent scheduling decisions, including subsequent runs of the full computation.

Thanks to this modeling, StarPU is often able to match the performance of computations where data transfers and scheduling decisions are implemented in hand-coded logic. It can even outperform them in situations where the hand-written algorithm fails to account for some regions of the parameter space where a different implementation would be more optimal, or fails to leverage all available hardware (e.g. only uses the GPU, leaving the CPU idle waiting for GPU tasks to complete).

This repository aims to ultimately provide an idiomatic high-level Rust binding for StarPU. At present time, however, it only provides the low-level C FFI binding layer starpu-sys, which allows you to use StarPU via non-idiomatic "C in Rust syntax" code. This is a necessary basic infrastructure, which the high-level binding will later be able to build upon.


The crates within this repository have three basic dependencies:

  1. A working local installation of StarPU. If you have installed it using a Linux distribution package, you will also need the associated -dev or -devel packages containing things like C API headers.
  2. An implementation of the pkg-config command-line utility, such as pkgconf, which is used to locate the various parts of the StarPU installation.
  3. libclang, which is used in the process of translating the StarPU C headers to equivalent Rust declarations. If you already have clang installed, you don't need to install libclang as well.
    • If you have multiple releases of clang installed, you may need to set the CLANG_PATH and LIBCLANG_PATH environment variables in order to avoid problems stemming from the fact that some parts of the build process pick up a certain version of clang, and other parts of the build process pick up another version of libclang. This will typically manifest as libclang emitting bizarre complaints about compiler-internal headers.

In addition, if StarPU is installed in a non-standard location, you will have to make sure that your PKG_CONFIG_PATH is configured correctly (along the lines of ${STARPU_PREFIX}/lib64/pkgconfig, may be lib instead of lib64 depending on your Linux distribution).

If your StarPU installation has been built with OpenCL support (as is the case for Debian/Ubuntu packages), you will also need to enable the starpu-sys/opencl crate feature. It adds a dependency on the cl-sys crate for the purpose of re-exporting its data types in the StarPU interface. You will need to have a working OpenCL development environment for this to work.


For now, read the documentation of the StarPU C API and look for matching types and functions in the starpu-sys crate.

Note that the API of the starpu-sys is automatically generated based on the C headers of the version of StarPU that you have installed. Therefore, the set of types and methods that you have available locally may differ slightly from the public documentation at, which is generated based on the headers of the StarPU packages of the Ubuntu version that uses.

You can use cargo doc --open and select starpu_sys on the sidebar to check what exact API starpu-sys has on your system.

StarPU API coverage

By design, starpu-sys will always cover the full C API of the version of StarPU that you have installed, except for concepts which cannot be readily translated to Rust like macros and inline functions.

On the other hand, once it will be a thing, starpu will only cover the part of the StarPU API for which a high-level interface has been written. That part will be documented here.


This project uses the MPLv2 license, please see the LICENSE file for more information.


Low-level Rust bindings to StarPU







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