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Hive Social Network Platform

A social network platform using RwactJs for client side and ASP Core Web API 8 for backend

Table of Contents


Welcome to Hive, a robust social network platform designed to connect people and facilitate meaningful interactions. Hive provides a comprehensive set of features, including user authentication, profile management, posting, following, comments, private messaging, events, and a marketplace. Whether you're looking to share updates, connect with friends, or explore new opportunities, Hive is your go-to social hub.

This application is designed to demonstrate basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing posts. It utilizes the following technologies:

  • MediatR: A simple library in .NET for in-process messaging.
  • AutoMapper: A library to map objects to each other.
  • Entity Framework Core: A lightweight, extensible, and cross-platform Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework.


Hive aims to create a vibrant and interconnected community where users can express themselves, build relationships, and discover exciting opportunities. Our platform is built on the principles of inclusivity, security, and user-friendly design to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for all.


List of prerequisites or dependencies required to run the project.

Getting Started

Instructions on how to set up and run the project on a local machine.

# Clone the repository
git clone

Navigate to the project directory

cd API

Restore dependencies

dotnet restore

Apply database migrations

dotnet ef database update

Run the project

dotnet run

Project Structure

The project is organized into several key directories, each serving a specific purpose:

  • API: This directory contains controllers and middleware responsible for handling API requests. Controllers define the API endpoints, while middleware handles tasks such as exception handling and logging.

  • Application: The Application directory houses the application logic and use case implementations. Here, you'll find the core functionality that processes and orchestrates business logic.

  • Domain: The Domain directory is dedicated to defining domain models and entities. These models represent the core business entities and their relationships, providing a conceptual framework for the application.

  • Infrastructure: The Infrastructure directory is dedicated to encapsulating anything related to external systems

  • Persistence: In the Persistence directory, you'll find code related to data access and the database context. This includes the Entity Framework Core configurations, migrations, and the database context class.

  • Application.Core: This directory contains shared core functionality that is used across the application. It might include utility classes, extension methods, or other shared components.

API Endpoints

The API exposes the following endpoints:

1. Activities Controller

  • GET /api/activities: Retrieve a list of activities.
  • GET /api/activities/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific activity by its unique ID.
  • POST /api/activities: Create a new activity.
  • PUT /api/activities/{id}: Edit an existing activity by specifying its ID.
  • DELETE /api/activities/{id}: Delete an activity using its ID.

These endpoints allow users to interact with the application, perform CRUD operations on activities, and retrieve relevant information.

2. Post Controller

  • GET /api/post: Retrieve a list of posts.

  • GET /api/post/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific post by its unique ID.

  • POST /api/post: Create a new post.

  • PUT /api/post/{id}: Edit an existing post by specifying its ID.

  • DELETE /api/post/{id}: Delete an post using its ID.

    These endpoints allow users to interact with the posts, perform CRUD operations on posts, and retrieve relevant information.

3. User Controller

  • GET /api/account: Retrieve the current user.
  • GET /api/profile/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific user by its unique ID.
  • Get /api/account/login: Loging a user.
  • PUT /api/account/register: Registering a user.

These endpoints allow users to interact with the appuser entity, perform CRUD operations on user profile, and retrieve relevant information.

4. Photo Controller

  • GET /api/photo: Add new photo.
  • GET /api/photo/{id}: Delete a photo.
  • Get /api/photo/{id}/setMain: Setting a photo to be the main photo of the user-profile

These endpoints allow users to interact with the photo entity, perform CRUD operations on photos, and retrieve relevant information.

5. Profile Controller

  • GET /api/profile/{username}: Get a specific user profile by the id.

These endpoints allow users to interact with the user entity, perform CRUD operations on user profile, and retrieve relevant information.