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This repo contain some important and basic algorithm source codes

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This repo contains some important and basic algorithm source codes List of all the Algorithm would be Implemented on this Repository


  1. Prime finding(sieve)
  2. Prime factorization
  3. GCD, LCM
  4. Factorial
  5. Fibonacci
  6. Counting, Permutation, combination
  7. Exponentiation
  8. Modular Arithmetic
  9. Euclid, Extended Euclid

Data Structure:

  1. Stack
  2. Queue
  3. Priority Queue
  4. Linked list
  5. Heap
  6. Hash table
  7. Disjoint Set, Union Find
  8. Binary Search Tree
  9. Tire, Suffix Array
  10. Segmented Tree, Range minimum Query
  11. Binary Indexed Tree(BIT)
  12. Heavy light Decomposition


  1. Bubble Sort
  2. Selection Sort
  3. Insertion Sort
  4. Quick Sort
  5. Merge Sort
  6. Counting Sort
  7. Radix Sort
  8. Bucket Sort
  9. Heap Sort


  1. Linear Search
  2. Binary Search
  3. Ternary Search
  4. Map, Hash Map

Dynamic Programming:

  1. Rod Cutting
  2. Maximum Sum (1D, 2D)
  3. Coin Change
  4. Longest Common Subsequence
  5. Longest Increasing subsequence, Longest Decreasing Subsequence
  6. Matrix Chain multiplication
  7. Edit Distance
  8. Knapsack problem, 0-1 Knapsack
  9. Bitmask DP
  10. Traveling Salesman problem
  11. Digit DP

Greedy Algorithm:

  1. Activity selection/Task scheduling problem
  2. Huffman coding

Graph Theory:

  1. Graph Representation (matrix, list/vector)
  2. Breadth First Search(BFS)
  3. Depth First Search(DFS)
  4. Topological Sort
  5. Strongly Connected Component(SCC)
  6. Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal, Prim)
  7. All pair’s shortest path (Floyd Warshall)
  8. Djkastra algorithm
  9. Bellman Ford Algorithm
  10. Directed Acyclic Graph
  11. Bipartite Matching
  12. Max-Flow, Min-cost max-flow
  13. Cayley’s Theorem
  14. Articulation Point, Bridge
  15. Euler tour/path
  16. Hamiltonian Cycle
  17. Stable Marriage problem
  18. Chinese Postman problem

Number Theory:

  1. Josephus Problem
  2. Farey Sequence
  3. Euler’s phi
  4. Catalan numbers
  5. Burnside’s lemma/circular permutation
  6. Modular inverse
  7. Probability
  8. Chinese Remainder Theorem
  9. Gaussian Elimination method
  10. Dilworth’s Theorem
  11. Matrix Exponentiation
  12. Determinant of a matrix
  13. RSA public key crypto System
  14. GCD
  15. LCM
  16. Euler Totient

Computational Geometry:

  1. Pick’s Theorem
  2. Convex hull
  3. Line Intersection
  4. Point in a polygon
  5. Area of a polygon
  6. Line Sweeping
  7. Polygon intersection
  8. Closest Pair
  9. Game Theory:
  10. Take Away game
  11. Nim
  12. Sprague-grundy Number
  13. String:
  14. Naive String matching
  15. Rabin karp Algorithm
  16. Finite Automata
  17. Knuth-Marris-Pratt Algorithm
  18. Manacher’s Algorithm
  19. Aho korasick’s Algorithm
  20. Boyer-Moore Algorithm


  1. Recursion
  2. C++ Standard Template Library(STL)
  3. Backtracking
  4. Hungarian Algorithm


This repo contain some important and basic algorithm source codes






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