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My Traefik template

  • 🗺️ Traefik as ingestion for Docker containers with auto discovery.
  • ➰ Public loopback hostname for easy development.
  • 🔒 HTTPS with Let's Encrypt ot self-signed certificates.

Getting started


You'll need at least Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Here's what we're going to do:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create configuration file.
  3. Create a new bridged network in Docker.
  4. Start Traefik.

Start by cloning this repository somewhere on your machine.

git clone

Now we'll need to decide on a hostname.

For testing or development you can use a loopback, like localhost, but I like to use sub-domains to route to my containers and localhost can't do that.

So I've created my own public domain that loops back — * — and I encourage you to do the same. But if you don't, there are other options:


You can, and should, verify that your selected hostname does indeed loops back and isn't just a proxy, which could pose a security breach. e.g. Run host <hostname> and make sure or ::1 (in casse IPv6) is printed on screen.

Once you've decided on the hostname, copy compose.override.yml.example to compose.override.yml.

cp compose.override.yml.example compose.override.yml

Open it in your editor and change the rule that matches the Traefik's router.

-      - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(``)"
+      - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`...`) || Path(`/traefik`)"

You must also copy ./config/traefik.yml.example to ./config/traefik.yml and, at least, change your let's encrypt email.

cp config/traefik.yml.example config/traefik.yml

Now we have to create a bridged network to connect the containers that are going to be routed by Traefik.

docker network create traefik

Finally, we start Traefik.

docker compose up -d


In the compose.yml — or docker-compose.yml — of your application you'll need to connect to the new network and add the required labels. See example/compose.yml for reference.

Providing your own certificate

Traefik has a default certificate but you can provide your own, if you want.

If you don't want to bother, 📝 mkcert is a nice little tool that generates self-signed certificates with good defaults and automatically configure a CA on your system.


A CA is important so your browser trusts the certificate. See Trusting your own certificate for more information.

But you can also do it with OpenSSL, for example:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout config/certs/key.pem -out config/certs/cert.pem -days 365 -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*"

Just remember to change the hostname to the one you chose.

Trusting your own certificate

If you didn't use mkcert or you're working in a foreign system, like WSL, your browser will be showing the "Not secure" alert to you. That's because the certificate isn't signed by a CA.

You can sort this out by adding your custom certificate to your browser trusted list. This comes with its own set of risks, so beware.

(🚧 Work in progress…)


Apache-2.0 © 2022 Arthur Corenzan


Traefik for local development with Docker




