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E. F. Haghish edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 3 revisions

Here is a quick guide to Markdown syntax supported by markdoc package. You may copy the code below in a file named (or any name you like) to execute the example of the manuscript.

NOTE that the code below imports an image in the document, named FILENAME.png. You should rename the image file to an image file that exists in your directory.

Heading 1


### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

Paragraphs are separated
by a blank line.

Two spaces at the end of a line  
produces a line break.

Text attributes _italic_, 
__bold__. Using grave accents for `monospace` is NOT recommended 
because it can crash Stata's string processing.

Horizontal rule:


Bullet list:

- apples
- oranges
- pears

Numbered list:

1. wash
2. rinse
3. repeat

An [example](


> Markdown uses email-style > characters for blockquoting.

    . keep 4 spaces for monospace