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Hagihara, H., Yamamoto, N., Meng, S., Sakata, C., Wang, J., Watanabe R., & Moriguchi, Y. (2022). COVID-19 school and kindergarten closure relates to children's social relationships: a longitudinal study in Japan. Scientific Reports, 12, 814.

Dataset and R Scripts

  • 0_situationInJapan
    • Data and R scripts to visualize the correspondence between the spread of COVID-19 in Japan and time points of data collection (Figure 1)
  • 1_preprocessing
    • R scripts to analyze the sample characteristics (Table 1)
  • 2_AnalysisOfSocialLives
    • R scripts to analyze children's social lives (Figure 2)
  • 3_AnalysisOfSDQ
    • R scripts to analyze children's social behavior using SDQ (Figure 3 & Table 2)
  • 4_AnalysisOfIOS
    • R scripts to analyze children's perceived closeness to others using IOS (Figure 4)
  • data.csv
    • Dataset used in the folders from 1 to 4

Description of labels for data.csv

label description
id Participants' IDs
time Time when data were collected (i.e., T1, T2, and T3)
res_gender Caregivers' gender (2 = female, 1 = male)
res_age Caregivers' age in years (only T1 and T2)
ch_ageY Children's age in years (only T1 and T2)
ch_ageM Children's age in months (only T1 and T2)
ch_gender Children's gender (2 = girl, 1 = boy)
school Classification of children (i.e., infants, preschoolers, and schoolers)
fa_num The number of family members
sib_num The number of siblings
education Caregivers' education level, which was graded from 1 (less than high school) to 5 (graduate level)
conduct Score of conduct problems in SDQ
hyperactive Score of hyperactivity in SDQ
emotional Score of emotional symptoms in SDQ
peer Score of peer problems in SDQ
prosocial Score of prosocial behavior in SDQ
sdq_sum Total Difficulties Score (TDS) in SDQ, which is calculated by summing each score of emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and peer problems (prosocial behavior is not included!)
ch_sh Days spent by children being at home and not going to schools or kindergartens per week
ios_cg IOS score towards caregivers
ios_oth IOS score towards others such as peers
scr_time Screen time of children (hours per day), which is calculated by summing scr_passive and scr_interactive columns
outside_playing Hours spent by children playing outside per day
lessons Hours spent by children taking lessons or classes other than formal schooling per day
excludeT1T2 Whether children participating at T1 retained participation at T2
excludeT2T3 Whether children participating at T2 retained participation at T3


If you have any questions, please email at moriguchi.yusuke.8s(AT) or hiromichi.h(AT) (please replace (AT) with @).


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