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SwiftUI tiling black and white patterns.

This project contains PatternView, which is built out of Tiles with a given TileDesign.

It also includes a TilePicker that can be used to control the selected design.

Available Tile Designs

The TileDesign enum contains the following patterns (shown in the image from top left to bottom right)

Image showing the included patterns

  • .grid
  • .dottedGrid
  • .stitch
  • .curvedTile
  • .brick
  • .tile
  • .shadowGrid
  • .circles
  • .trees
  • .shingles
  • .wicker
  • .rhombus
  • .balls


The PatternView view will tile the selected design in its frame. It has the following properties:

  • design: Binding<TileDesign>: required, which design to use to tile the frame.
  • pixelSize: CGFloat: defaults to 2.0, the size of a pixel in the tile.
  • foregroundColor: Color: defaults to, the foreground color.
  • backgroundColor: Color: defaults to Color.white, the background color.
// PatternView using default settings
PatternView(design: .constant(TileDesign.shadowGrid))

// PatternView using overrides
PatternView(design: $tileDesign, pixelSize: 4.0, foregroundColor: .pink, backgroundColor: .cyan)

Screenshots of the Patterns

Screenshots of the patterns showing the different overrides

Using the PatternPicker

The pattern picker view is intended to be used when you want to allow users to change the design of the pattern.

  • selectedDesign: Binding<TileDesign>: required, the current selected tile design.
  • selectedColor: Color: defaults to Color.accentColor, the color of the border around the selected tile design.

It also has pixelSize, foregroundColor, and backgroundColor with the same effect as Pattern mentioned above

@State var design: TileDesign = .brick
@State var shouldShowPatternPicker = false


PatternView(design: $design)
  .frame(width: 32.0).border(.black)
  .onTapGesture {
    shouldShowPatternPicker = !shouldShowPatternPicker;
  .popover(isPresented: $shouldShowPatternPicker) {
    PatternPicker(selectedDesign: $design)
  .onChange(of: design) { _ in
    shouldShowPatternPicker = false;

Screenshots of the Pattern Picker

Screenshots of the pattern picker showing the different overrides

Supported Platforms

  • macOS 12+
  • iOS 15+
  • tvOS ?+
  • watchOS 8+
  • catalyst 15+

The TileImage struct

If you'd like to do other things with the individual tiles, we also provide the TileImage struct, which generates a CGImage.

The tiles support similar properties as PatternView with the exception that

  • design: TileDesign: required, which design to use to tile the frame.
  • pixelSize: CGFloat: defaults to 2.0, the size of a pixel in the tile.
  • foregroundColor: CGColor: defaults to black, the foreground color.
  • backgroundColor: CGColor: defaults to white, the background color.

Screenshots of the tiles showing the different overrides


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