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@hairyhenderson hairyhenderson released this 10 Aug 02:10

✨ Big new release! I've bumped to v2.0.0 to reflect that there are some backwards-incompatible API changes, though for most users this should have no impact.

Major highlights

  • 2 new datasources supported: Consul and BoltDB
  • Now all template functions have "namespaced" versions, with the addition of the data and conv namespaces. The non-namespaced function names will continue to be supported.
  • 4 new functions (undocumented - oops!): conv.ParseInt, conv.ParseFloat, conv.ParseUint, and conv.Atoi
  • New support for authenticating Vault with the EC2 auth back-end

A huge thanks to @stuart-c, who contributed the lion's share of features in this release!

v2.0.0 (2017-08-10)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Closed issues:

  • gomplate --version: 0.0.0 #188

Merged pull requests: