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About Traccar server refresh rate

Zakaria Braksa edited this page May 22, 2014 · 1 revision

When configuring Traccar server it's important to change the database.refreshDelay from the default 300 seconds to something smaller (like 5 seconds), because here's a scenario when the initial value create problems :

If for some reason a device start pinging the server before it's EMEI/UniqueId was added to the database, obviously the server will flag it as unknown device and the GPS data received by the server will be ignored and not saved in the database!

Now if we add the device EMEI/UniqueId to the traccar database and we stop/start the Android client for example we would expect the server to stop flagging that device as unknown device and start storing GPS data for that device in the database, but sadly it's not the case, at least not after the 300 seconds specified by the database.refreshDelay! So that's why it's important to change the 300 seconds constant!

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