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java log singleton

What's the project about?

  • Singeleton.
  • How to log java code.
  • How to save this log to a file.

Getting Started

before getting started, please ensure you installed java JDK on you machine by using

javac --version
#clone repo
git clone

run with cli

cd java_log_singleton/src

#create binary file from java code

#if you want to create the binary in a diffrent folder use:
javac -d {path_you_want}

#run the binary file
java App

run with ide

comman IDEs:

open the directory with your ide and run:

  • VSCode - press ctrl+F5 (in MacOS: cmd+F5)

  • IDEA - shift+F10

What should happen?

  1. Create a directory called logs.
  2. Create a file called log_file.log.
  3. you can change those names inside src/ in the privte constructor private MyLogger().
  4. as you develop the app, remember to log things like user inputs, HTTP requests, status of transaction, Database connection, things you need to check and ensure your application works at it's best!!!

Folder Structure

The workspace contains two folders by default, where:

  • src: where the magic happens
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies - future use
