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Yield Farming Tutorial

Yield farming is the concept of incentivizing users with passive income in exchange for providing liquidity. The first step in yield farming involves adding funds to a liquidity pool, which are essentially smart contracts that contain funds. These pools provide liquidity to a marketplace where users can exchange, borrow, or lend tokens. Once you’ve added your funds to a pool, you’ve officially become a liquidity provider. In return for staking your finds in the pool, you’ll be rewarded with fees generated from the underlying DeFi platform. Reward tokens themselves can also be deposited in liquidity pools, and it’s common practice for people to shift their funds between different protocols to chase higher yields.

1. Environment and Dependencies Setup

Open up your code editor (I'm using Visual Studio Code) and create a new directory for this project.

mkdir hw-farm

Install Node js if you have not done so.

In the project directory, install the Hardhat module:

npm i --save-dev hardhat

Open up Hardhat with npx hardhat.

Create an empty Hardhat project

Select the Create an empty hardhat.config.js option.

Install dependencies for TypeScript:

npm i --save-dev ts-node typescript

For testing, install the dependencies for Chai:

npm i --save-dev chai @types/node @types/mocha @types/chai

We’ll be using an ERC20 token as both the staking token and as the yield rewarded to users. OpenZeppelin offers various contract libraries for developers. They also offer excellent testing tools. Install the dependencies for contracts and testing tools:

npm i --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts @openzeppelin/test-helpers

During testing, we’ll need to simulate the passing of time. Install the dependcies needed for OpenZeppelin’s time.increase() function:

npm i --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-web3 @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle

Change the hardhat.config to TypeScript:

mv hardhat.config.js hardhat.config.ts

Next change the Solidity version and include the hardhat-waffle and hardhat-web3 imports in the hardhat.config.ts:

import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle";
import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-web3"

export default {
  solidity: "0.8.4",

2. Contracts

2.1 ERC20 HWToken Contract

In this tutorial, we will rewards users with HWTokens for staking the MockDai tokens. The HW are just my initials, you can change them to whatever you like.

In the project directory hw-farm, create a contracts folder. In the contracts folder, create a new Solidity file HWToken.sol.

mkdir contracts

To build the ERC20 HW token contract, import the ERC20 contract from OpenZeppelin while also importing OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl.sol contract.

The AccessControl contract allows us to implement role-based access control mechanisms. In our case, we only want users/contracts with the MINTER role to be able to mint new tokens.

After declaring the imports, we define the MINTER role by using a bytes32 identifier and exposed it in the external API using a public constant hash digest.

In the constructor, we assign the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE to the creator of the contract.

We will override the mint() function to enforce a check that the caller has the MINTER role.

pragma solidity 0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";

contract HWToken is ERC20, AccessControl {

    bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");

    constructor() ERC20("HWToken", "HWT") {
        _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);

    function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {

        require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender), "Caller is not the minter");

        _mint(to, amount);

2.2 MockERC20 Contract

In our yield farming contract, users will be staking MockERC20 tokens, to receive passive HWToken rewards. We named our staking token MockDai, but you can use any name you wish by using parameters in the constructor.

In the contracts folder, create a mocks folder.

In the mocks folder, create a new file MockERC20.sol.

Import OpenZeppelin’s ERC20.sol contract, and input the following:

pragma solidity 0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract MockERC20 is ERC20 {

        string memory name,
        string memory ticker
    ) ERC20(name, ticker) {}

    function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
        _mint(to, amount);

2.3 HWFarm Contract

In our yield farming contract, there will be 3 core function. We need to allow users to stake their funds, unstake their funds, and withdraw their yield.

In the contracts folder, create a file HWFarm.sol.

By now, your project structure should look somethings like this:

Project Structure

In HWFarm.sol, import both the HWToken contract and OpenZeppelin’s IERC20 contract.

We declare the following state variable mappings:

Variable Purpose
stakingBalance Mapping of user address to the user staking balance (MockDai)
isStaking Mapping of user address to the user staking status
startTime Mapping of user address to the timestamp of the user most recent stake. Use to calculate the yield of a users' staking.
hwBalance Mapping of user address to the user reward HWToken balance

We also define events for the 3 core functions for the front-end.

pragma solidity 0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "./HWToken.sol";

contract HWFarm {

    // userAddress => stakingBalance
    mapping(address => uint256) public stakingBalance;
    // userAddress => isStaking boolean
    mapping(address => bool) public isStaking;
    // userAddress => timeStamp
    mapping(address => uint256) public startTime;
    // userAddress => hwBalance
    mapping(address => uint256) public hwBalance;

    string public name = "TokenFarm";

    IERC20 public daiToken;
    hwToken public hwToken;

    event Stake(address indexed from, uint256 amount);
    event Unstake(address indexed from, uint256 amount);
    event YieldWithdraw(address indexed to, uint256 amount);

        IERC20 _daiToken,
        HWToken _hwToken
        ) {
            daiToken = _daiToken;
            hwToken = _hwToken;

    /// Core function shells
    stake() public {}
    unstake() public {}
    withdrawYield() public {}

Declare a name variable to identify the contract.

    string public name = "HW Farm";

Declare state variables preceded with the type (i.e. IERC20, HWToken) and visibility (public).

    IERC20 public daiToken;
    HWToken public hwToken;

Use the following convention in our contracts:

  • Type - Use PascalCasing
  • State Declaration - Use camelCasing
  • Constructor Parameter - Use _underscoreCamelCasing

3. Core Functions

3.1 Staking

The stake() function first requires that the amount parameter is greater than 0 and that the user holds enough mock DAI for the transaction.

The function then checks if the user already staked DAI. If so, the contract adds the unrealized yield to the hwBalance. This ensures the accrued yield is not loss.

Then contract then calls the IERC20 transferFrom function. The user first must approve the contract’s request to move their funds.

The function then updates the stakingBalance, startTime, and isStaking mappings to reflect the new staking.

Finally, it emits the Stake event to allow the front-end to listen for the said event.

function stake(uint256 amount) public {
        amount > 0 && daiToken.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount, 
        "You cannot stake zero tokens");
    if(isStaking[msg.sender] == true){
        uint256 toTransfer = calculateYieldTotal(msg.sender);
        hwBalance[msg.sender] += toTransfer;

    daiToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    stakingBalance[msg.sender] += amount;
    startTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;
    isStaking[msg.sender] = true;

    emit Stake(msg.sender, amount);

3.2 Unstaking

The unstake() function requires the isStaking mapping to equate to true (which only happens when the stake function is previously called) and requires that the requested amount to unstake isn’t greater than the user’s staked balance.

We get the yield from previous staking by calling the calculateYieldTotal function and storing the result in yieldTransfer.

Then we follow the checks-effects-interactions pattern by setting balanceTransfer to equal the amount to unstake and setting the amount to 0. This prevents users from abusing the function with re-entrancy.

We then reduce the stakingBalance mapping and transfer the mock DAI back to the user.

Next, we update the hwBalance mapping. This mapping constitutes the user’s unrealized yield; therefore, if the user already held an unrealized yield balance, the new balance includes the prior balance with the current balance.

Finally, we check whether the user still has staking tokens in the contract. If the user does not, the isStaking mapping is set to false.

Note that Solidity version >= 0.8.0 includes SafeMath already integrated. If you’re using Solidity < 0.8.0, I highly encourage you to use a SafeMath library to prevent overflows.

function unstake(uint256 amount) public {
        isStaking[msg.sender] = true &&
        stakingBalance[msg.sender] >= amount, 
        "Nothing to unstake"

    uint256 yieldTransfer = calculateYieldTotal(msg.sender);

    startTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;
    uint256 balanceTransfer = amount;
    amount = 0;
    stakingBalance[msg.sender] -= balanceTransfer;
    daiToken.transfer(msg.sender, balanceTransfer);
    hwBalance[msg.sender] += yieldTransfer;

    if(stakingBalance[msg.sender] == 0){
        isStaking[msg.sender] = false;

    emit Unstake(msg.sender, amount);

3.3 Withdrawing Yield

The withdrawYield() function requires that either the calculateYieldTotal function or the reward HWToken hwBalance holds a balance for the user.

If there is a balance, this means that the user staked mock DAI more than once. The contract then adds the old hwBalance to the running yield total we received from the calculateYieldTotal.

Notice that the contract follows the checks-effects-interactions pattern; where oldBalance is assigned the accured hwBalance. Immediately thereafter, hwBalance is set to zero (to prevent re-entrancy).

The startTime is set to the current timestamp in order to reset the accruing yield.

Finally, the contract evokes the function which transfers the reward HWToken directly to the user.

function withdrawYield() public {
    uint256 toTransfer = calculateYieldTotal(msg.sender);

        toTransfer > 0 ||
        hwBalance[msg.sender] > 0,
        "Nothing to withdraw"
    if(hwBalance[msg.sender] != 0){
        uint256 oldBalance = hwBalance[msg.sender];
        hwBalance[msg.sender] = 0;
        toTransfer += oldBalance;

    startTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;, toTransfer);
    emit YieldWithdraw(msg.sender, toTransfer);

3.4 Helper Functions

The calculateYieldTime() function return the time elapsed since a user's most recent stake. It subtracts the startTime timestamp by the current timestamp to derive the time that should be used in the calculation of the user's yield.

function calculateYieldTime(address user) public view returns(uint256){
    uint256 end = block.timestamp;
    uint256 totalTime = end - startTime[user];
    return totalTime;

The calculateYieldTotal() function takes the return value from the calculateYieldTime function and multiplies it by 10¹⁸.

This is necessary as Solidity does not handle floating point or fractional numbers. By returning the timestamp difference as a BigNumber, Solidity can provide much more precision.

The rate variable equates to 86,400 which equals the number of seconds in a single day.

The calclated yield is such that the user receives 100% of their staked mock DAI quantity every 24 hours in HWTokens.

The time variable is divided by the hardcoded rate (86400). The resulting quotient is multiplied by the mock DAI staking balance of the user and subsequently divided by 10¹⁸.

In a more traditional yield farm, the rate is a factor of the user’s staked percentage of the pool instead of time.

function calculateYieldTotal(address user) public view returns(uint256) {
    uint256 time = calculateYieldTime(user) * 10**18;
    uint256 rate = 86400;
    uint256 timeRate = time / rate;
    uint256 rawYield = (stakingBalance[user] * timeRate) / 10**18;
    return rawYield;

4. Testing Using Hardhat and Chai

Taking the time to create tests early on saves you (and/or your team) from future technical debt. I’d like to suggest testing your code as you write it. Unit testing functions as you write them can save you a ton of time refactoring in the future.

To be continued...


Yield farming tutorial







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