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Installation of the Z-Wave component.

Z-Wave can be configured using the Z-Wave Integration in the Configuration menu, or manually using an entry in configuration.yaml


# Example configuration.yaml entry
  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml

HA 최신 버전에서는 설정 - 통합구성요소 메뉴에서 우측 하단의 오렌지색 + 버튼을 눌러 z-wave 통합구성요소를 추가할 수 있습니다. yaml에 위와 같은 설정을 하지 않고 바로 usb path를 입력하면 z-wave 통합구성요소를 설정할 수 있습니다. Screenshot: zwave 통합구성요소 추가

{% configuration zwave %} usb_path: description: The port where your device is connected to your Home Assistant host. Z-Wave sticks will generally be /dev/ttyACM0 and GPIO hats will generally be /dev/ttyAMA0. required: false type: string default: /zwaveusbstick network_key: description: The 16-byte network key in the form "0x01, 0x02..." used in order to connect securely to compatible devices. It is recommended that a network key is configured as security enabled devices may not function correctly if they are not added securely. required: false type: string default: None config_path: description: The path to the Python OpenZWave configuration files. required: false type: string default: the 'config' that is installed by python-openzwave polling_interval: description: The time period in milliseconds between polls of a nodes value. Be careful about using polling values below 30000 (30 seconds) as polling can flood the zwave network and cause problems. required: false type: integer default: 60000 debug: description: Print verbose z-wave info to log. required: false type: boolean default: false autoheal: description: Allows enabling auto Z-Wave heal at midnight. Warning, this is inefficient and should not be used. required: false type: boolean default: false device_config / device_config_domain / device_config_glob: description: "This attribute contains node-specific override values. NOTE: This needs to be specified if you are going to use any of the following options. See Customizing devices and services for the format." required: false type: [string, list] keys: ignored: description: Ignore this entity completely. It won't be shown in the Web Interface and no events are generated for it. required: false type: boolean default: false polling_intensity: description: Enables polling of a value and sets the frequency of polling (0=none, 1=every time through the list, 2=every other time, etc). If not specified then your device will not be polled. required: false type: integer default: 0 refresh_value: description: Enable refreshing of the node value. Only the light integration uses this. required: false type: boolean default: false delay: description: Specify the delay for refreshing of node value. Only the light integration uses this. required: false type: integer default: 5 invert_openclose_buttons: description: Inverts function of the open and close buttons for the cover domain. This will not invert the position and state reporting. required: false type: boolean default: false invert_percent: description: Inverts the percentage of the position for the cover domain. This will invert the position and state reporting. required: false type: boolean default: false
{% endconfiguration %}

Network Key

Security Z-Wave devices require a network key before being added to the network using the Add Secure Node button in the Z-Wave Network Management card. You must set the network_key configuration variable to use a network key before adding these devices.

An easy script to generate a random key:

$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9A-F' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/\(..\)/0x\1, /g' -e 's/, $//'

You can also use sites like this one to generate the required data, just remember to put 0x before each pair of characters:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for network_key
  network_key: "0x2e, 0xcc, 0xab, 0x1c, 0xa3, 0x7f, 0x0e, 0xb5, 0x70, 0x71, 0x2d, 0x98, 0x25, 0x43, 0xee, 0x0c"

Ensure you keep a backup of this key. If you have to rebuild your system and don't have a backup of this key, you won't be able to reconnect to any security devices. This may mean you have to do a factory reset on those devices, and your controller, before rebuilding your Z-Wave network.

First Run

On platforms other than and Docker, the compilation and installation of python-openzwave happens when you first enable the Z-Wave component, and can take half an hour or more on a Raspberry Pi. When you upgrade Home Assistant and python-openzwave is also upgraded, this will also result in a delay while the new version is compiled and installed.

The first run after adding a device is when the zwave integration will take time to initialize the entities, some entities may appear with incomplete names. Running a network heal may speed up this process.

Platform specific instructions

You do not need to install any software to use Z-Wave.

If the path of /dev/ttyACM0 doesn't work, look in the System section of the menu. There you'll find a Hardware button which will list all the hardware found.

You can also check what hardware has been found using the hassio command:

$ hassio hardware info

If you did an alternative install of on Linux (e.g. installing Ubuntu, then Docker, then then the modemmanager package will interfere with any Z-Wave (or Zigbee) stick and should be removed or disabled in the host OS. Failure to do so will result in random failures of those components, e.g. dead or unreachable Z-Wave nodes, most notably right after Home Assistant restarts. Connect to your host OS via SSH, then you can disable with sudo systemctl disable ModemManager and remove with sudo apt-get purge modemmanager (commands are for Debian/Ubuntu).


You do not need to install any software to use Z-Wave.

To enable access to the Z-Wave stick, add --device=/dev/ttyACM0 to the docker command that starts your container, for example:

$ docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /home/pi/homeassistant:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --device=/dev/ttyACM0 homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant

If the path of /dev/ttyACM0 doesn't work then you can find the path of the stick by disconnecting and then reconnecting it, and running the following in the Docker host:

ls -1tr /dev/tty*|tail -n 1

The modemmanager package will interfere with any Z-Wave (or Zigbee) stick and should be removed or disabled. Failure to do so will result in random failures of those components. For example you can disable with sudo systemctl disable ModemManager and remove with sudo apt-get purge modemmanager

Community install methods

Raspberry Pi specific

On the Raspberry Pi you will need to enable the serial interface in the raspi-config tool before you can add Z-Wave to Home Assistant. Make sure to reboot the Raspberry Pi for the setting to take effect.


On Debian Linux platforms there are dependencies you will need to have installed ahead of time (included in systemd-devel on Fedora/RHEL systems):

$ sudo apt-get install libudev-dev build-essential

You may also have to install the Python development libraries for your version of Python. For example libpython3.6-dev, and possibly python3.6-dev if you're using Python 3.6.

Finding the controller path

To find the path of your Z-Wave USB stick, disconnect it and then reconnect it to your system and run:

ls -ltr /dev/tty*|tail -n 1

That will give you a line that looks something like this:

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 204, 64 Sep 21 10:25 /dev/ttyACM0

Where the date and time displayed is approximately the time you connected the USB stick or module (it may also be something like /dev/ttyAMA0 or /dev/ttyUSB0). The number will be zero for the first device connected, and higher numbers for later devices.

Or, if there is no result, try to find detailed USB connection info with:

dmesg | grep USB

If Home Assistant (hass) runs with another user (e.g., homeassistant) you need to give access to the stick with:

$ sudo usermod -aG dialout homeassistant

The output from ls -ltr above contains the following information:

  • The device type is c (character special)
  • The permissions are rw-rw----, meaning only the owner and group can read and write to it
  • There is only 1 link to the file
  • It is owned by root and can be accessed by members of the group dialout
  • It has a major device number of 204, and a minor device number of 64
  • The device was connected at 10:25 on 21 September
  • The device is /dev/ttyUSB0.


When installing on macOS you may have to also run the command below ahead of time, replace "x.x" with the version of Python ($ python3 --version) you have installed.

sudo /Applications/Python\ x.x/Install\ Certificates.command

On macOS you can find the USB stick with:

ls /dev/cu.usbmodem*


Device path changes

If your device path changes when you restart, see this guide on fixing it.

Random unreachable Z-Wave nodes: ModemManager interference

If this applies to your situation:

  • Some or all Z-Wave nodes are unreachable after restarting Home Assistant; not necessarily after every restart but seemingly random.
  • The Z-Wave stick stops responding, needs to be re-plugged or Home Assistant needs a restart to get Z-Wave back.
  • Your host OS is Debian-based/Ubuntu (for example: you installed Ubuntu, then Docker, then

Then chances are high that the ModemManager in the host OS is causing the issue, claiming or interfering with the USB Z-Wave stick like the much used Aeotec ones. In this case you need to disable ModemManager.

Connect to your host OS (e.g. Ubuntu) through SSH, then execute the following command on your host system to disable the ModemManager:

systemctl disable ModemManager.service

Component could not be set up

Sometimes the device may not be accessible and you'll get an error message upon startup about not being able to set up Z-Wave. Run the following command for your device path (here we're using /dev/ttyAMA0 for our Razberry board):

ls -l /dev/ttyAMA0

You should then see something like this:

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 204, 64 Apr  1 12:34 /dev/ttyAMA0

The important pieces are the first piece crw-rw---- and the group dialout. If those are different then, for your device path, run:

sudo chgrp dialout /dev/ttyAMA0
sudo chmod g+rw /dev/ttyAMA0

Check too that the account you're running Home Assistant as is in the dialout group. For instance, if you're using homeassistant:

groups homeassistant

That should include dialout, if it doesn't then:

sudo usermod -aG dialout homeassistant

Unable to install Python Openzwave

If you're getting errors like:

openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/libopenzwave.a: No such file or directory

Then the problem is that you're missing libudev-dev (or the equivalent for your distribution), please install it.

Random failures

If you're having random failures of the mesh, devices going missing, things randomly not working, check your OZW_Log.txt for the following messages:

WARNING: 500ms passed without reading the rest of the frame...aborting frame read
WARNING: Out of frame flow! (0xfe).  Sending NAK
WARNING: Checksum incorrect - sending NAK

If you see any of these messages repeated in the log then probably you've got something else running that's also using the Z-Wave controller. That might mean you've also got the OpenZ-Wave control panel (ozwcp) running, a second instance of Home Assistant or something else. You need to stop that other process to resolve this.