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SQL schema

meliao edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 3 revisions

You can easily get an idea of the SQL schema by connecting to PostgreSQL using psql (you have to use the user/password specified when starting the Docker image of PostgreSQL):

$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U ukbrest ukb

If you are running inside a Docker container and don't have psql installed locally, the above command won't work. But you can easily open a bash shell in the Docker container:

$ docker exec -it pg bash
root@pg:/ $ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U ukbrest ukb

While logged in, you can print the list of tables/relations:

ukbdb=# \dt
                              List of relations
 Schema |                       Name                       | Type  |  Owner
 public | all_eids                                         | table | ukbrest
 public | bad_related_samples_2nd_higher_and_high_missrate | table | ukbrest
 public | bgen_samples                                     | table | ukbrest
 public | codings                                          | table | ukbrest
 public | datadict                                         | table | ukbrest
 public | events                                           | table | ukbrest
 public | fields                                           | table | ukbrest
 public | phenos                                           | table | ukbrest
 public | relatedness                                      | table | ukbrest
 public | samplesqc                                        | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_0_00                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_0_01                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_0_02                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_1_00                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_1_01                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_2_00                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_00                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_01                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_02                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_03                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_04                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_05                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | ukb_pheno_3_06                                   | table | ukbrest
 public | withdrawls                                       | table | ukbrest
(24 rows)

Or explore the columns of a particular table:

ukbdb=# \d fields
      Table "public.fields"
   Column    |  Type  | Modifiers
 column_name | text   | not null
 table_name  | text   |
 field_id    | text   | not null
 description | text   |
 coding      | bigint |
 inst        | bigint |
 arr         | bigint |
 type        | text   | not null