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hale edited this page Mar 19, 2012 · 19 revisions


Welcome to the wiki for our dating app! This Wiki will be used to document our app and help us plan and organise its development. Please edit as much as possible, don't be afraid to move stuff around and restructure etc. If you add a new page, put a link here and a brief description explaining what the page is for. gl/hf :)

Note: Here's a handy link to the database schema

Look in the ./dating/doc folder for SVG diagrams for the models and controllers. To update these diagrams, run

rake diagram:all

This page lists various task allocations. It will proably be updated every Friday when we meet for the practical.

Accpetance tests  => Cucumber
Unit tests	      => Rspec
Integration tests => Rspec + Capybara

The features page lists all desirable features from our app. This includes everything from basic 'users should be able to sign in', to the more complicated 'users should be able to find matches'. Complicated features should contain links to a separate feature page, where implementation and details can be discussed if necessary.

A list of pages a viewer will see in our app, and their design and implementation considerations.

Design ideas, mockups, implementation.

Lists some typical scenarios a user of our app might encounter.