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MySqlDBWrapper -- Powerful and easy to use MySQLi wrapper for PHP

Table of Contents

How to instantiate the class
Insert Query
Update Query
Delete Query
Select Query
Closing the connection
Count table rows
Get affected rows

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If you like this class and use it in your PHP applications, I invite you to perform even a small donation. It would be greatly appreciated for all the time I have spent testing, documenting and sharing this code.

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How to use this class

In order to use this class within your code, you must first include it in your PHP scripts like in the example below:

require_once ('MySqlDBWrapper.php');

How to instantiate the class

Simple initialization with utf8mb4 charset set by default:

$MyDB = new MySqlDBWrapper($DbHost, $DbUser, $DbPassword, $DbName) ;

Advanced initialization:

$MyDB = new MySqlDBWrapper($DbHost, $DbUser, $DbPassword, $DbName, $DbCollation) ;

DbCollation parameter is optional. On success returns a mysqli object.

try {
    $MyDB = new MySqlDBWrapper($DbHost, $DbUser, $DbPassword, $DbName) ;
catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" ;

In the event of MySQL errors when connecting to the database, an exception is thrown.

Insert Query

In order to insert new rows in a given table, call the Query method as shown in the example below, passing the SQL query as an input argument:

$MyDB->Query("Insert Into MyTable Set MyColumn1='MyValue1', MyColumn2='MyValue2', MyColumn3='MyValue3'") ;

In the event of MySQL errors executing the given query, an exception is thrown.

Update Query

In order to update rows in a given table, call the Query method as shown in the example below, passing the SQL query as an input argument:

$MyDB->Query("Update MyTable Set MyColumn1='NewValue' Where MyColumn2='WhereValue'") ;

In the event of MySQL errors executing the given query, an exception is thrown.

Delete Query

In order to delete rows from a given table, call the Query method as shown in the example below, passing the SQL query as an input argument:

$MyDB->Query("Delete From MyTable Where MyColumn1='WhereValue'") ;

In the event of MySQL errors executing the given query, an exception is thrown.

Select Query

The Query method returns a mysqli_result object that may optionally be used to retrieve the various fields returned in the result set of a SELECT query. The example below allows you to understand how to execute a SELECT query against the DB and to retrieve the values of the various columns using an associative array:

$result = $MyDB->Query("Select col1, col2, col3 FROM MyTable Where col4!=0") ;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $col1 = $row['col1'] ;
    $col2 = $row['col2'] ;
    $col3 = $row['col3'] ;
    // do something

In the event of MySQL errors executing the given query, an exception is thrown.

Closing the connection

In order to close the database connection handle, it is sufficient to call the Disconnect method. In case of success return the value true otherwise false.

$MyDB->Disconnect() ;

Count table rows

The simplest way to count how many rows are contained in a given table or view is to call the CountTableRows method. In the example below, the variable $rowsCount will contain the total number of rows found in a specific table or view.

$rowsCount = $MyDB->CountTableRows('tableName') ;

In the event of MySQL errors executing the given query, an exception is thrown.

Get affected rows

Returns the total number of rows that have been processed by the last query.

$affectedRows = $MyDB->AffectedRows ;


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