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Added a number of features to the …
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…script to extract multiple ePGDBs at the same time in the long or wide table format for processing in R.
  • Loading branch information
nielshanson committed Jan 27, 2014
1 parent 083ca12 commit 810c52e
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 88 deletions.
257 changes: 169 additions & 88 deletions utilities/
Expand Up @@ -1018,22 +1018,32 @@ sub debug_off {

my %replace=(gt => '>', lt => '<', quot => '"', amp => '&', alpha => 'alpha', beta => 'beta', gamma => 'gamma', delta => 'delta', epsilon => 'epsilon');

# parameters and defaults
my $DB_NAME;
my $HELP;
my $LIST;
my $TYPE;
my $TYPE = "lookup";
my $ORFS;
my $COVERAGE = 0.0;
my @FILES;
my $SUPPORT = 0;

my $result = GetOptions(
'help+' => \$HELP,
'list' => \$LIST,
'type' => \$TYPE,
'type=s' => \$TYPE,
'orfs' => \$ORFS,
'coverage=s' => \$COVERAGE,
'support=s' => \$SUPPORT,
'files=s{1,}' => \@FILES,
'output=s' => \$OUTFILE,

if (defined $HELP or !(defined $LIST or defined $OUTFILE)) {
die "
Usage: $0 [options] -o output.txt PGDB
Usage: $0 [options] -o output.txt
Extracts information from a PGDB, producing a tsv (tab delimited) file describing the base pathways
of the database.
Expand All @@ -1043,112 +1053,183 @@ sub debug_off {
-h, --help show this help and exit
-l, --list list all PGDBs that can be extracted
-f, --files space separated list of PGDBs to extract pathways from
-t, --type output type: 'lookup', 'long', 'wide'
--orfs option for 'lookup' outpyt type to print all found ORFs
-c, --coverage decimal number [0.0-1.0] for minimum coverage ratio for pathways
-s, --support integer number >=0 minimum number of ORFs associated with pathway

$DB_NAME = shift || "null";

# run pathway tools in api mode
#my $thr = threads->create('run_ptools_api_mode', 'argument');

# Open the database

# 1. Is the socket there?
if (!-e "/tmp/ptools-socket") {die("Pathway-tools is not running in -api mode (/tmp/ptools-socket not found)\n");}

# 2. Connect... hopefully.
my $cyc = perlcyc->new($DB_NAME);
# testing connection to Pathway Tools
# Open the database
# 1. Is the socket there?
if (!-e "/tmp/ptools-socket") {die("Pathway-tools is not running in -api mode (/tmp/ptools-socket not found)\n");}
# $DB_NAME = "";
# 2. Connect... hopefully.
# my $cyc = perlcyc->new($DB_NAME);
my $cyc = perlcyc->new("ECOLI");
# 3a. Check basic functionality:
my @test1;
while (! @test1) {
eval {@test1 = $cyc->send_query("(* 222 3)")};
if (! @test1 and $!=~m/Connection refused/) {
warn("/tmp/ptools-socket: $!\nTrying again in 5 seconds.\n");
if (! @test1 and $!=~m/Socket operation on non-socket/) {
die("/tmp/ptools-socket exists, but is not a socket.\n");}
if (! @test1) {die("/tmp/ptools-socket: $!\n");}

# 3b. Get results of test query:
my @test2;
eval {@test2 = $cyc->retrieve_results();};
if (! @test2) {die("Fail test2\n");}
if ($test2[0] ne 666) {die("Pathway-tools is not running correctly (expected 222 * 3 = 666, but got $test2[0]\n");}

# 4a. Get list of organisums in pathway-tools:
my @test3;
eval {@test3=$cyc->send_query("(mapcar #'object-name (all-orgs :all))");};
if (! @test3) {die("Fail test3\n");}
if ($test3[0] eq ":error") {die("test3 failed\n");}

# 4b. Get reults of list query:
my @test4;
eval {@test4 = $cyc->retrieve_results();};
if (! @test4) {die("Fail test4\n");}
if ($test4[0] eq ":error") {die("test4 failed\n");}

# 5. Fix up output to something listing just organisms:
my @dblist=grep {!/^ECOBASE$/ && !/^[#@]/ && /BASE$/} @test4;
map {s/BASE$//} @dblist;
push @dblist,"meta"; # Stupid exceptions to every rule

# 6. Show all databases:
if (defined $LIST) {print "Databases available:\n",map {lc($_)." \n"} sort @dblist;exit 0;}

# Main Function:
# open output file defined by user
open(OUT,">$OUTFILE") or die("$OUTFILE: $!\n");

# 3a. Check basic functionality:
my @test1;
while (! @test1) {
eval {@test1 = $cyc->send_query("(* 222 3)")};
if (! @test1 and $!=~m/Connection refused/) {
warn("/tmp/ptools-socket: $!\nTrying again in 5 seconds.\n");
if (! @test1 and $!=~m/Socket operation on non-socket/) {
die("/tmp/ptools-socket exists, but is not a socket.\n");}
if (! @test1) {die("/tmp/ptools-socket: $!\n");}
# print out headers for the 'long' and 'lookup' output formats
if ($TYPE eq "long" ) {
} elsif ($TYPE eq "lookup") {

# 3b. Get results of test query:
my @test2;
eval {@test2 = $cyc->retrieve_results();};
if (! @test2) {die("Fail test2\n");}
if ($test2[0] ne 666) {die("Pathway-tools is not running correctly (expected 222 * 3 = 666, but got $test2[0]\n");}

# 4a. Get list of organisums in pathway-tools:
my @test3;
eval {@test3=$cyc->send_query("(mapcar #'object-name (all-orgs :all))");};
if (! @test3) {die("Fail test3\n");}
if ($test3[0] eq ":error") {die("test3 failed\n");}

# 4b. Get reults of list query:
my @test4;
eval {@test4 = $cyc->retrieve_results();};
if (! @test4) {die("Fail test4\n");}
if ($test4[0] eq ":error") {die("test4 failed\n");}

# 5. Fix up output to something listing just organisms:
my @dblist=grep {!/^ECOBASE$/ && !/^[#@]/ && /BASE$/} @test4;
map {s/BASE$//} @dblist;
push @dblist,"ECOLI"; # Stupid exceptions to every rule

# 6. Show all databases:
if (defined $LIST) {print "Databases available:\n",map {lc($_)." \n"} sort @dblist;exit 0;}
if (!grep {/^$DB_NAME$/i} @dblist) {die("There is no $DB_NAME in the list of databases. Try '$0 -l' to list all available PGDB databases.\n");}

my %pathway_to_sample; # create a hash for pathways-to-samples
my %short_to_long; # record of all the short to long_names

# Main loop:
open(OUT,">$OUTFILE") or die("$OUTFILE: $!\n");
my @my_base_pathways = $cyc->call_func("all-pathways :all T");

foreach my $pathway (@my_base_pathways) {
my @mygenes = $cyc->genes_of_pathway($pathway,"T");
my @totalrxns = $cyc->get_slot_values($pathway, "REACTION-LIST");

my $pathway_common_name = $cyc->get_slot_value($pathway,"common-name") || "?";
my $num_reactions = scalar(@totalrxns);
my $num_predicted_orfs = scalar(@mygenes);

my $num_covered_rxns =0;
my $num_genes =0;
my %orf_strings = ();
foreach my $reaction (@totalrxns) {
my @rxngenes = $cyc->genes_of_reaction($reaction,"T");
if(scalar(@rxngenes) > 0) {
$num_genes += scalar(@rxngenes);
map { $orf_strings{$_} =1 } @rxngenes;
# main loop to connect to Pathway Tools
foreach my $sample_name (@FILES) {
if (!grep {/^$sample_name$/i} @dblist) {
die("There is no $sample_name in the list of databases. Try '$0 -l' to list all available PGDB databases.\n");

for (keys %orf_strings) {
print $cyc->get_slot_value($_,"common-name");
$cyc = perlcyc->new($sample_name); # connect to Pathway Tools as sample
print "Extracting Pathways From: " . $sample_name . "\n";
my @my_base_pathways = $cyc->call_func("all-pathways :all T"); # extract pathways

# for each pathway look up related information in Pathway Tools
foreach my $pathway (@my_base_pathways) {
my @mygenes = $cyc->genes_of_pathway($pathway,"T");
my @totalrxns = $cyc->get_slot_values($pathway, "REACTION-LIST");
my $pathway_common_name = $cyc->get_slot_value($pathway,"common-name") || "?";
my $num_reactions = scalar(@totalrxns);
my $num_predicted_orfs = scalar(@mygenes);
my $num_covered_rxns =0;
my $num_genes =0;
my %orf_strings = ();

# calculate the number of genes and the number of covered reactions
foreach my $reaction (@totalrxns) {
my @rxngenes = $cyc->genes_of_reaction($reaction,"T");
if(scalar(@rxngenes) > 0) {
$num_genes += scalar(@rxngenes);
map { $orf_strings{$_} =1 } @rxngenes;

my $pwy_coverage = ($num_covered_rxns / $num_reactions); # calculate current pathway coverage
my $pwy_support = $num_predicted_orfs; # calculate the number of predicted ORFs
if ($pwy_coverage >= ($COVERAGE*1) && $pwy_support >= ($SUPPORT*1)) {
# only print if more than minimum support
if ($TYPE eq "long") {
# print the long_table output
for (keys %orf_strings) {
my $gene_common = $cyc->get_slot_value($_,"common-name");
my $outputstr = "";
$outputstr = $sample_name . "\t" . $pathway . "\t" . cleanup($pathway_common_name) . "\t" . $num_reactions . "\t" . $num_covered_rxns . "\t" . $num_predicted_orfs . "\t" . $gene_common ;
$outputstr .= "\n";
# print $outputstr;
print OUT $outputstr;
} elsif ($TYPE eq "lookup") {
# print the 'classic' lookup format
my $outputstr = "";
$outputstr = $sample_name . "\t" . $pathway . "\t" . cleanup($pathway_common_name) . "\t" . $num_reactions . "\t" . $num_covered_rxns . "\t" . $num_predicted_orfs ;
if ($ORFS){
# verbose output with all the ORFs
for (keys %orf_strings) {
# print ORFs
my $gene_common = $cyc->get_slot_value($_,"common-name");
$outputstr = $outputstr . "\t" . $gene_common
$outputstr .= "\n";
print OUT $outputstr;
} elsif ($TYPE eq "wide") {
# add pathway to mastertable output
$pathway_to_sample { $pathway }{ $sample_name } = $num_predicted_orfs; # hash each short_name to the pathway count
$short_to_long { $pathway } = cleanup($pathway_common_name);


my $outputstr = $pathway."\t".$pathway_common_name."\t".$num_reactions."\t".$num_covered_rxns."\t".$num_predicted_orfs;
for (keys %orf_strings) {
my $gene_common = $cyc->get_slot_value($_,"common-name");
if ($TYPE eq "wide") {
# print compiled pathway collection
my $outputstr = "";

# print header
my $sample;
foreach my $sample (@FILES) {
# print header
$outputstr = $outputstr . "\t" . $sample;
$outputstr .= "\n";
print OUT $outputstr;

# print pathways by sample
$outputstr = "";
foreach my $test ( keys %pathway_to_sample ) {
$outputstr = $test;
foreach my $test1 (@FILES) {
if (exists $pathway_to_sample{$test}{$test1}) {
$outputstr = $outputstr . "\t" . $pathway_to_sample{$test}{$test1};
} else {
$outputstr = $outputstr . "\t" . "0" ;
print $outputstr;
$outputstr = $outputstr . "\n";
print OUT $outputstr;

# For replacing entities like &xxxx; with real characters (but spelling out greek letters)
sub cleanup {
my $in=$_[0];
my $search=join("|",keys %replace);
$in =~ s/<\/?(i|SUB)>//ig;
$in =~ s/&($search);/$replace{$1}/ieg; # Replace html character entities
$in =~ s/\'//ig;
return $in;

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