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Natural language processing for Icelandic

Reynir is an experimental project that aims to extract processable information from Icelandic text. It scrapes and tokenizes chunks of text from web pages and parses the token streams according to a hand-written context-free grammar. The resulting parse trees are disambiguated and finally processed to obtain statements of fact and relations between stated facts.

Reynir is most effective for text that is objective and factual, i.e. has a relatively high ratio of concrete concepts such as numbers, amounts, dates, person and entity names, etc.

Reynir is innovative in its ability to parse and disambiguate text written in a grammatically complex language, such as Icelandic, which does not lend itself easily to statistical parsing methods. Reynir uses cases, genders, persons (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular/plural) and various verb modes applied appropriately to nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions to guide and disambiguate parses. Its optimized Earley parser is fast and compact enough to make real-time while-you-wait analysis of web pages, as well as bulk processing, feasible.

Reynir's goal is to "understand" text to a usable extent by parsing it into structured trees that directly correspond to the original grammar. These trees can then be further processed and acted upon by Python functions associated with grammar nonterminals.

Reynir is currently able to parse about 85% of sentences in a typical news article from the web, and many well-written articles can be parsed completely. It has about 9.000 parsed articles in its database, containing 350.000 parsed sentences.

Reynir may in due course be expanded, for instance:

  • to make logical inferences from statements in its database;
  • to find statements supporting or refuting a thesis; and/or
  • to discover contradictions between statements.


Reynir is written in Python 3 except for its core Earley parser module which is written in C++ and called via CFFI. Reynir runs on CPython and PyPy with the latter being recommended.

Reynir works in stages, roughly as follows:

  1. Web scraper, built on BeautifulSoup and SQLAlchemy storing data in PostgreSQL.
  2. Tokenizer, relying on the BÍN database of Icelandic word forms for lemmatization and initial POS tagging.
  3. Parser, using an improved version of the Earley algorithm to parse text according to an unconstrained hand-written context-free grammar for Icelandic that may yield multiple parse trees (a parse forest) in case of ambiguity.
  4. Parse forest reducer with heuristics to find the best parse tree.
  5. Information extractor that maps a parse tree via its grammar constituents to plug-in Python functions.

Reynir contains a small web server that allows the user to type in any URL and have Reynir scrape it, tokenize it and display the result as a web page. The server runs on the Flask framework.

Reynir uses the official BÍN (Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls) lexicon and database of Icelandic word forms to identify and tokenize words, and find their grammatical roots and forms. The database has been downloaded from the official BÍN website and stored in PostgreSQL.

The tokenizer divides text chunks into sentences and recognizes entities such as dates, numbers, amounts and person names, as well as common abbreviations and punctuation.

Grammar rules are laid out in a separate text file, Reynir.grammar. The standard Backus-Naur form has been augmented with repeat specifiers for right-hand-side tokens (* for 0..n instances, + for 1..n instances, or ? for 0..1 instances). Also, the grammar allows for compact specification of rules with variants, for instance due to cases, numbers and genders. Thus, a single rule (e.g. NounPhrase/case/gender -> Adjective/case noun/case/gender) is automatically expanded into multiple rules (12 in this case, 4 cases x 3 genders) with appropriate substitutions for right-hand-side tokens depending on their local variants.

The parser is an optimized C++ implementation of an Earley parser as enhanced by Scott and Johnstone, referencing Tomita. It parses ambiguous grammars without restriction and returns a compact Shared Packed Parse Forest (SPPF) of parse trees. If a parse fails, it identifies the token at which no parse was available.

The Reynir scraper is typically run in a cron job once every 24 hours to extract articles automatically from the web, parse them and store the resulting trees in a PostgreSQL database for further processing.

Scraper modules for new websites are plugged in by adding Python code to the scrapers/ directory. Currently, the scrapers/ module supports four popular Icelandic news sites as well as the site of the Constitutional Council.

Processor modules can be plugged in to Reynir by adding Python code to the processors/ directory. The demo in processors/ extracts person names and titles form the processed text for storage in a database table.

File details

  • : Web server
  • : Management of global settings and configuration data, obtained from Reynir.conf
  • : Web scraper, collecting articles from a set of pre-selected websites (roots)
  • Wrapper for the scraper database via SQLAlchemy
  • : Tokenizer, designed as a pipeline of Python generators
  • Handler for composite words using a compressed word form database
  • : Parsing of .grammar files, grammar constructs
  • eparser.cpp : Earley parser C++ module (header in eparser.h)
  • : Python wrapper for eparser.cpp using CFFI
  • Interface to the BÍN database of Icelandic word forms
  • : Parser related subclasses for BÍN (Icelandic word) tokens
  • : Parse forest ambiguity resolver
  • Information extraction from parse trees
  • : Parser test module
  • Reynir.conf : Editable configuration file for the tokenizer and parser
  • Verbs.conf : Editable lexicon of verbs, included in Reynir.conf
  • Reynir.grammar : A context-free grammar specification for Icelandic written in BNF with extensions for repeating constructs (*, +) and optional constructs (?)
  • : Older, pure-Python implementation of an Earley parser

Copyright and licensing

The Reynir source code and associated files are copyright (C) 2015-2016 by Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, all rights reserved.

Please contact the author via GitHub for further information.


Natural language processing for Icelandic






No releases published




  • Python 81.9%
  • C++ 7.7%
  • JavaScript 5.2%
  • CSS 2.6%
  • HTML 2.6%
  • Makefile 0.0%