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halles edited this page Apr 25, 2011 · 6 revisions


Latest release is 0.3.0

This plugin is still in very early development so, even if i'll be trying to always have a working version, it might just not be that way :/

The package that you'll download from github, when extracted, will output a directory which contains a hash in its name… you have to remove it. The name of the directory should be just "events-manager-extended-frontend-submit".


Wherever you'd like to output the form just use the shortcode: [submit_event_form]

You need at least 1 category for the plugin to work.

Check the Customization page to configure your installation. Control panel is gonne be left for the future :)

Also, on version 0.1.0 the "Success on submitting the event" will always be a page which lives at the-current-page's-url + "/success/". This has been corrected/upgraded on 0.2.0

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