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LDAP client


Follow the instructions in our manual to add our package repository and then run the below command.


apt-get install halon-extras-ldap


yum install halon-extras-ldap

Exported classes

These classes needs to be imported from the extras://ldap module path.


The LDAP class is a OpenLDAP wrapper class.


  • uri string - The URI should be in the format of ldap:// or ldaps://. Multiple hosts may be given separated by space.

Returns: class object

$ldap = LDAP("ldap://");
$ldap->bind("uid=tesla,dc=example,dc=com", "password");
$x = $ldap->search("dc=example,dc=com");
while ($x and $entry = $x->next())
    echo $entry;

setoption(name, value)

Set LDAP connection options. On error none is returned.


  • name string - the option name
  • value any - the option value

Returns: this

Return type: LDAP or none

if (!$ldap->setoption("network_timeout", 5))
    echo LDAP::err2string($ldap->errno());

The following options are available

Name Type Default Description
protocol_version number 3
referrals boolean false
network_timeout number 0 No timeout
timeout number 0 No timeout (in seconds)
timelimit number 0 No timelimit (in seconds)
tls_verify_peer boolean true Verify peer certificate
tls_default_ca boolean false Load additional TLS certificates (ca_root_nss)


Get LDAP connection options. On error none is returned.


  • name string - the option name

Returns: result

Return type: any or none

The following options are available

Name Type Description
diagnostic_message string Gets the latest session error message


Issue STARTTLS on LDAP connection. On error none is returned.

Returns: this

Return type: LDAP or none

bind([dn [, cred]])

Bind the LDAP connection. For anonymous bind, do not specify the credentials. On error none is returned.


  • dn string - The username DN
  • cred string - The password credentials

Returns: this

Return type: LDAP or none

search(basedn [, options])

Search LDAP connection in the current base and subtree. On error none is returned.


  • basedn string - Base DN
  • options array - an options array

The following options are available in the options array.

  • scope string - The search scope, available scopes are sub (subtree), one (onelevel) and base. The default is sub.
  • filter string - The search filter. The default is (objectclass=*).
  • attributes array - Array of attributes to fetch. The default is to fetch all.

Returns: A LDAP result class

Return type: LDAPResult or none


Unbind the LDAP connection. On error none is returned.

Returns: this

Return type: LDAP or none


Get the latest errno returned from the underlying OpenLDAP API.

Returns: errno

Return type: number


Get the peer certificate (X.509) as a X509 instance. On error none is returned.

Returns: The peer certificate

Return type: X509 or none

static err2string(errno)

Get a descriptive error message, uses OpenLDAP’s ldap_err2string().


  • errno number - A errno (obtained from LDAP’s errno())

Returns: An error string

Return type: string

if (!$ldap->bind())
    echo LDAP::err2string($ldap->errno());

static filter_escape(value)

LDAP escape values to be used in LDAP filters.


  • value string - An unescaped string

Returns: An escaped string

Return type: string

$result = $ldap->search("dc=example,dc=com", ["filter" => "(cn=" . LDAP::filter_escape($cn) . ")"]);

static str2dn(str)

Parses the string representation of a distinguished name str into its components, returning an array of tupels. On error none is returned.


  • str string - String representation of a DN

Returns: Array of tupels

Return type: array or none

echo LDAP::str2dn("cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org");
// [0=>[0=>"cn",1=>"admin"],1=>[0=>"dc",1=>"example"],2=>[0=>"dc",1=>"org"]]

static dn2str(dn)

Performs the inverse operation of str2dn(), returning a string representation of dn with the necessary escaping. On error none is returned.


  • dn array - Array of tupels

Returns: String representation of the DN

Return type: string or none


A LDAP result iterable object which holds the result from an LDAP search.


Return the next result. If there are no more results false is returned, and on error none is returned.

Returns: entry data

Return type: array or none

$result = $ldap->search("dc=example,dc=com");
if ($result)
  while ($entry = $result->next())
    echo $entry;