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REST in Flask

Run in development mode

In order to run this project in deployment mode you should create a python virtual environment using this command

$ virtualenv env

Then activate your virtual environment and install required packages

$ source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements

After that run project using project manager

$ ./ run

Available routes

To see project available routes use this command

$ ./ routes

Update Python Packages

Update python packages using this commend:

$ pip freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1  | xargs pip install -U

Generate API documentation

First, install apidoc js

$ ./ doc


Create database

./ database create

Drop database

./ database drop

Drop & Create database

./ database recreate

Generate fake data

This will generate some fake data for development use. A development user will be create with last living access token.

./ database fake

Development user info:

  • Username: rishe
  • Phone : 09123456789
  • Password : 123123
  • Access-Token : 123456


Sometimes you make changes in database models and you want to apply them to your database you can use migration for this purpose. first run migration init command and then use migrate and upgrade command to apply your migration

Note that this tool is not 100% trusted and you should review generated migration scripts code and then use upgrade command.

Init migration

./ migration init

Generate migration code

./ migration migrate

Run migration code and upgrade database

./ migration upgrade

Migration Help

To see other commands use help.

./ migration --help


Restful API Development in Flask Sample Project






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