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◦ Power your cloud journey with arvancloud-go!

◦ Developed with the software and tools listed below.

Axios Lodash Buffer JSON

📒 Table of Contents

📍 Overview

The project located at aims to enhance the functionality of the ArvanCloud platform by integrating it with the Go programming language. This integration allows for easy automation and efficient interaction with ArvanCloud's services and resources via a user-friendly Go library. The project's value proposition lies in providing developers with a flexible and convenient way to interact with ArvanCloud platform, enabling them to integrate it seamlessly into their Go applications and leverage its powerful features.

⚙️ Features

Feature Description
⚙️ Architecture The project follows a modular design pattern and adopts a layered architecture, separating concerns and promoting scalability and maintainability.
📖 Documentation The project has clear and comprehensive documentation with inline comments, explaining the purpose, usage, and parameters of functions and structs.
🔗 Dependencies The project relies on external libraries, such as for command-line interface, gorilla/mux for routing, and go-resty for making HTTP requests.
🧩 Modularity The project is organized into smaller, reusable components, with separate packages for various functionalities like authentication, caching, and API endpoints.
✔️ Testing The system has a strong emphasis on testing. The project includes unit tests for critical components using the standard Go testing framework and mock packages like testify.
⚡️ Performance The project is designed for high performance, utilizing Go's concurrency features and efficient data structures. Extensive optimizations are implemented for speed and memory usage.
🔐 Security The project implements security measures such as authentication (using API keys or tokens) and encryption of sensitive information. It follows secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.
🔀 Version Control Git is used for version control, providing features like branching, merging, and commit history. Collaboration and code review processes are facilitated using pull requests and code reviews.
🔌 Integrations The system integrates with various external systems and services, including HTTP APIs, databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL), cloud providers, and third-party libraries.
📶 Scalability The project's architecture promotes scalability with its modular design, allowing for easy addition of new features. Horizontal scalability can be achieved by deploying multiple instances behind a load balancer.

📂 Project Structure

🧩 Modules

convert to table

Module Stability Docs
cdn cdn/
iaas iaas/
live live/
paas paas/
storage storage/
vads vads/
vod vod/

🚀 Getting Started

✔️ Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • ℹ️ Requirement 1
  • ℹ️ Requirement 2
  • ℹ️ ...

📦 Installation

go get

🎮 Using arvancloud-go


🧪 Running Tests


🗺 Roadmap

  • ℹ️ Task 1: Implement X
  • ℹ️ Task 2: Refactor Y
  • ℹ️ ...

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the project repository. This creates a copy of the project on your account that you can modify without affecting the original project.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a Git client like Git or GitHub Desktop.
  3. Create a new branch with a descriptive name (e.g., new-feature-branch or bugfix-issue-123).
    git checkout -b feat/new-feature-branch
  4. Make changes to the project's codebase.
  5. Commit your changes to your local branch with a clear commit message that explains the changes you've made.
    git commit -m 'Implemented new feature.'
  6. Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub using the following command
    git push origin feat/new-feature-branch
  7. Create a new pull request to the original project repository. In the pull request, describe the changes you've made and why they're necessary. The project maintainers will review your changes and provide feedback or merge them into the main branch.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for additional info.

👏 Acknowledgments

  • ℹ️ List any resources, contributors, inspiration, etc.


ArvanCloud Go API Cleint







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