This repository contains the artifact for the paper CirFix: Automatically Repairing Defects in Hardware Design Code accepted at ASPLOS'22.
Please read the individual readme files in /prototype and /pyverilog_changes for instructions on how to set up and run CirFix.
Please contact Hammad Ahmad ( if you have any questions or problems running CirFix.
PyVerilog 1.2.1
pip3 install pyverilog==1.2.1
Make sure to replace source files for PyVerilog to support CirFix (see documentaiton in /pyverilog_changes).
Icarus Verilog
sudo yum install iverilog (for RHEL)
Synopsys VCS
(Commercial license; you may use alternative Verilog simulators, but would likely need to modify the scripts to match the API of the simulator.)
If you do not have a Synopsys VCS license, check out the iverilog branch that removes that dependency and provides minor usability improvements. Note that I have had a chance to only partially replicate the ASPLOS'22 results using just iverilog. If you happen to be able to fully verify those results, let me know and I can update this. :)