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Personal website built with Astro.js and TailwindCSS


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Welcome, this repository contains the souce code for website.


The source code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to copy, distribute, and modify it according to the terms specified in the LICENSE file located in the root directory of this repository.

The content located at src/content/*.md is licensed under the CC NC-SA 4.0 license, granting you the freedom to share and adapt the material under certain conditions. You are permitted to copy, redistribute, and modify the content, provided that you appropriately attribute the source, refrain from using it for commercial purposes, and distribute any derivative works under the same license terms as the original material. More information can be found in the src/content/LICENSE file.

Contributor Guidelines

Your contributions help improve the website and make it a valuable resource for others. Thank you for considering contributing!

Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated! Here are two ways you can contribute to this project:

Source Code

If you're interested in contributing to the codebase, you can start by browsing through the existing issues to find a task to work on. For detailed instructions on how to get started, please refer to the contributing guide.


If you notice any issues with the blog posts or have ideas for new content, feel free to open an issue to bring it to my attention.


Made with ♥️ and ☕