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Basic Usage

hammy3502 edited this page Jun 1, 2022 · 3 revisions

Assuming you already have tarstall installed, these following commands will actually let you use tarstall!

tarstall -i or tarstall --install: Installs an archive, folder, or URL to a git repository or archive onto your system. Ex. tarstall -i ~/archive.tar.gz

tarstall -r or tarstall --remove: Removes an installed program from your system. Ex. tarstall -r my_program

tarstall -l or tarstall --list: Lists all installed programs. Ex. tarstall -l

tarstall -f or tarstall --first: Runs first time setup. Ex. tarstall -f

tarstall -e or tarstall --erase: Erases tarstall from your system along with any installed programs. Ex. tarstall -e

tarstall -v or tarstall --verbose: Run tarstall verbosely for this run. Ex. tarstall -v -i ~/archive.tar.gz

tarstall -u or tarstall --update: Updates tarstall to the latest version. Ex. tarstall -u

tarstall -m or tarstall --manage: Allows you to perform lots of management options on an installed program including creating binlinks, removing the program, adding an update URL, and more. Ex. tarstall -m my_program

tarstall -k or tarstall --remove-lock: Removes lock that tarstall places when in use (should only be used if tarstall crashes).

tarstall -c or tarstall --configure: Allows you to configure tarstall.

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