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Render State Packager

Render state packager is an off-line render state processing, optimization and packaging tool. It uses JSON-based render state description called Diligent Render State Notation (DRSN). The states defined in a DRSN file are processed off-line and packaged into an archive in a format optimized for run-time loading performance.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Description Default value
-o (output) archive output file Archive.bin
-s (shader_dir) shader search drectory .
-r (render_state_dir) render states search directory .
-c (config) config file
-t (thread) thread Count System CPU count
-i (input) input DRSN file (Required)
-d (dump_dir) bytecode dump diectory
strip_reflection strip reflection information when packing shaders into the archive No

Device Flags (at least one flag is required):

  • --dx11
  • --dx12
  • --vulkan
  • --opengl
  • --opengles
  • --metal_macos
  • --metal_ios

Flags not supported on the platform (for example, --metal_macos on Windows or Linux) are ignored.


Diligent-RenderStatePackager.exe -o Archive.bin --vulkan --dx12 -c Config.json -s . -i SamplePSO_0.drsn -i SamplePSO_1.drsn

Render State Notation

DRSN is a JSON-based description that mirrors core structures. The JSON file consists of three main sections:

  • Shaders sections defines shaders
  • ResourceSignatures section contains the descriptions of pipeline resource signatures
  • Pipeleines section describes pipeline states

Important: all shader, signature and pipeline resource names in an archive must be unique.

Example of a DRSN file:

    "ResourceSignatures": [
            "Name": "Signature0",
            "Resources": [
                    "Name": "Constants",
                    "ShaderStages": [
                    "VarType": "DYNAMIC",
                    "ResourceType": "CONSTANT_BUFFER",
                    "Flags": ["NO_DYNAMIC_BUFFERS"]
            "ImmutableSamplers": [
                    "ShaderStages": ["PIXEL"],
                    "SamplerOrTextureName": "LinearSampler",
                    "Desc": {
                        "BorderColor" : [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    "Shaders": [
            "Desc": {
                "Name": "My vertex shader",
                "ShaderType": "VERTEX"
            "SourceLanguage": "HLSL",
            "FilePath": "VertexShader.vsh",
            "EntryPoint": "VSmain",
            "UseCombinedTextureSamplers": true,
            "Macros": [
                {"Name": "MY_MACRO_0", "Definition": "0"}
            "Desc": {
                "Name": "My pixel shader",
                "ShaderType": "PIXEL"
            "SourceLanguage": "HLSL",
            "FilePath": "MyPixelShader.psh",
            "EntryPoint": "PSmain",
            "UseCombinedTextureSamplers": true
    "Pipeleines": [
            "PSODesc": {
                "Name": "My PSO 0",
                "PipelineType": "GRAPHICS"
            "GraphicsPipeline": {
                "DepthStencilDesc": {
                    "DepthEnable": false
                "InputLayout": {
                    "LayoutElements": [
                            "NumComponents": 3
                            "InputIndex": 1,
                            "NumComponents": 4
                "NumRenderTargets": 1,
                "RTVFormats": {
                    "0": "RGBA8_UNORM_SRGB"
                "RasterizerDesc": {
                    "CullMode": "FRONT"
                "BlendDesc": {
                    "RenderTargets": {
                        "0": {
                            "BlendEnable": true
            "ppResourceSignatures": [
            "pVS": "My vertex shader",
            "pPS": "My pixel shader"

If shaders are used by a single pipeline state, they can be defined inline in the PSO description, for instance:

    "Pipeleines": [
            "PSODesc": {
                "Name": "My PSO 1",
            "GraphicsPipeline": {
                "RTVFormats": {
                    "0": "RGBA8_UNORM_SRGB"
            "pVS": {
                "Desc": {
                    "Name": "My vertex shader"
                "FilePath": "VertexShader.vsh",
                "EntryPoint": "VSmain"
            "pPS": {
                "Desc": {
                    "Name": "My pixel shader"
                "FilePath": "PixelShader.psh",
                "EntryPoint": "PSmain"


Import Feature

DRSN files may be imported into another files allowing sharing deifintions of common states, for example:

|   Diligent-RenderStatePackager.exe
| ------ Shaders
   |   Shader0.hlsl
   |   Shader1.hlsl
   |    ...
| ------ RenderStates
   |   RenderState0.json
   |   RenderState1.json
   |    ...
   |   RenderStateN.json
   |   RenderStatesLib.json
// RenderStatesLib.json
    "Imports": [

Use -r command line option to define the render state notation search path(s):

Diligent-RenderStatePackager.exe -s ./Shaders -r ./RenderStates -i RenderStatesLib.drsn --vulkan


Render state notation file may contain Defaults section that defines the default values for shaders, pipeline states and signatures, for example:

    "Defaults": {
        "Shader": {
            "SourceLanguage": "HLSL",
            "UseCombinedTextureSamplers": true
        "Pipeline": {
            "PSODesc": {
                "ResourceLayout": {
                    "DefaultVariableType": "MUTABLE"
    "Pipelines": [

Packager Configuration

Render state packager configuration mirrors the fields of the SerializationDeviceCreateInfo struct.

Example config file:

    "Vulkan": {
        "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2 },
        "SupportsSpirv14": true,
        "DxCompilerPath": "PATH_TO_COMPILER"
    "Metal": {
        "MslPreprocessorCmd": "PREPROCESSOR_CMD"

Note: to enable shader debugging in XCode, use -gline-tables-only -frecord-sources command line options for Metal (-frecord-sources replaces -MO that was used in earlier versions of XCode):

    "Metal": {
        "CompileOptionsMacOS": "-sdk macosx metal -gline-tables-only -frecord-sources",
        "CompileOptionsiOS": "-sdk iphoneos metal -gline-tables-only -frecord-sources"