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This project has been abandoned

Fun Discord bot with moderation and utility tools like reminders, starboard, activity tracking and more
Invite her to your server


Fun bot that provides a lot of commands like:

  • Send animated emojis or any emoji that the bot can see
  • Activity tracking
  • Starboard
  • Moderation
  • And more...

Getting started

Running my instance

All you need to do is invite the bot to your server. Once the bot is in your server, you can setup the features using the following commands:

  • starboard setup (for setting up starboard)
  • mod roles (comamnd groups for setting up mod roles. mod roles add for adding mod roles; mod roles add for removing them)
  • mute config (for setting up the mute role)

Detailed information can be obtained using the help command

Running own instance

  • Create a file in the root of the directory. An example keys file is provided
  • Install the dependencies from requirements.txt
  • Place your DialogFlow service-account.json file in the root of the directory.
  • Run

Getting Help

Help Command

All the commands can be viewed via >help. Detailed information can be accessed by provided the command/commands group to help as >help command_name/group_name.

Need more help? Have any ideas for the bot? Want to report a bug?


If you do not want the bot to delete the messages for things like emoji commands, simply deny Manage Messages permission for the bot. You need to provide the required permissions for each moderation command you want to use. For example Ban Members to ban members, Kick Members to kick members, etc.


Your pull requests are welcome