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Order Page

Technical test built Edit Order page with React, Webpack support responsive with these breakpoints

  • Phone / Phablet (< 768px)
  • Tablet (> 768px and < 1024px)
  • Desktop (> 1024px)

According to Atomic Design this project distinct component to 3 levels

  1. Atoms
  2. Molecules
  3. Organisms

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone this project
  2. In base directory of project
npm install
npm run start
  1. Site will be ready at http://localhost:8080


Viewing components that use in this project with Storybook

  1. In base directory of project
npm run storybook
  1. Visit http://localhost:9001

Supported Browser

  • Chrome / Chrome mobile (iOS/Android)
  • Firefox / Firefox mobile (iOS/Android)
  • Safari / Safari mobile
  • IE10 / Edge and above