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Hannah Bollar

University of Pennsylvania, CIS 700: Procedural Graphics, Final Project

Project Proposal: Music Visualizer

  • Introduction

    • What motivates this project?

    I've worked with learning a lot of different procedural techniques throughout this past semester now I want to see if I can combine parts of them with my interest in particle simulations.

  • Goal

    • What do you intend to achieve with this project?

    Create a functioning music visualizer - aka entertainment for while im studying later

  • Inspiration/reference:

    • Attach some materials, visual or otherwise you intend as reference

    See notes below - in particular the youtube videos

  • Specification:

    • Outline the main features of your project

    See notes below

  • Techniques:

    • What are the main technical/algorithmic tools you’ll be using? Give an overview, citing specific papers/articles

    (1) Working on shaders and particle manipulations in the gpu (2) Varying noise functions (3) how to interpret midi file data so can visualize the music properly

  • Design:

    • How will your program fit together? Make a simple free-body diagram illustrating the pieces.
  • Timeline:

    • Create a week-by-week set of milestones for each person in your group.

Milestone 1

Set up physical aspect of this:

  • positioning of spots where balls shoot out
  • interpreting the music as data (but dont have to do anything with the data yet)
  • set up water plane in space, surrounding environment box [skybox]
  • gui to pick which music to play [for now just have it as a pause and play button for playing one set of music]
  • have all the shader materials set up for everything but the balls [balls will have gpu manipulations based on time so for now leave as default]
  • add box to pause and play
  • add box to maintain repeat for song or not
  • make so the loaded song plays out the speakers with the right timing [ie using same timer as gl]

Milestone 2

  • Set up using of music data for balls being shot out from particular location
  • make the wave bottom move/flow
  • add noise to the movement of the balls [ie the farther up they go the more the noise affects them]
  • add timer for life of the balls [life meaning being shown visually or not - to maintain the same number of balls overall]

Milestone 3 [ready for submission]

  • finish all parts of prev milestones not yet completed and see notes for additional features to implement
  • note: should be fully functioning before this deadline
  • [if time] add ability for user to manipulate [ie click somewhere and the particles react - but only for clicking - could act as an attractor or a repellor
  • [if time] make it so users can input a midi file and that i can load from it [ ie can load the visualizer for any given file ] - set timer so that song loops continuously


music visualizer:

particles, ribbon creation, shape visualization, using what shader

2 diff variations at min 3 diff variations of the visualizer at max [maybe dep on frequency]

can build texture in substance designer?

DO THE YOUTUBE VIDEO FOR PIANO MUSIC / piano interpretation of music based on keys

some particles just floating around and when hit by an object they bounce --> but they have an origin theyre supposed to try and get back to --> like nop's plane variation

so particles coming from keys at the bottom hitting through the plane particles

try and do it on the gpu? since just particles --> based on music input for specific values have the rgb color input stand as whether or not on plane or seen yet [note this is done with time] --> maybe have a loading screen while this computation is being done --> then once have all proper data from music for the gpu --> run as particle sim --> so can load up from two different piano music files to start with like this one: <- to demonstrate following mariano's technique of doing it as height for buildings

--> if do it on the gpu can have a max number of particles to begin with where input includes on/off/start time to visualize it --> note this is loaded up --> just loop through once start time becomes the max for the music vid and reloop back time to beg[like with mariano's cube anim --> just reloop as a vid]

can do this at bottom with opacity in distance so cant see moving texture have texture as color and opacity to be sent in for plane shader for where the particles come out at the bottom -- OR -- have it as the plane where once the particles cross through it --> go all crazy instead of in the plane music lines ^^ from this following color scheme of starting at purple and that blue --> once across the purple going to that blue to and that blue to yellow/limegreen? -- to do this maybe have the third component of the color not used to be 0 or 1 for picking what color it will switch to and just grab from a vec2 in the gpu


PARTICLES: tune / piano style based on keys BACKGROUND COLORING EFFECT: the beat itself of the music

small balls each in a row --> once break through particle plane they explode into at least 5 smaller ball particles --> when outside particular spherical area [OR AFTER A PARTICULAR AMOUNT OF TIME IN EXISTANCE] -- also size of objects after hitting plane decreases based time of existance --> delete and bring back to orig so maintain total num of particles just with pos and seen/not

chromeexperiments --> CHECK OUT FOR WORK


MOUSE MANIPULATION WHEN CLICKING BARS ALWAYS MADE OF PARTICLES - amount of influence they get by noise field --> increases dep on height