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handcraftsman committed Jun 25, 2015
1 parent 3a29c9f commit fd824ed
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import unittest
import datetime
import genetic
import operator
import random

class Node:
Value = None
Left = None
Right = None

def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.Value = value
self.Left = left
self.Right = right

def isFunction(self):
return self.Left is not None

def getFitness(candidate, expectedTotal):
used = {0: [0]}
localCopy = candidate[:]
if candidate[0].isFunction():
for i in reversed(range(len(localCopy))):
element = localCopy[i]
iUsed = [i]
if element.isFunction():
leftIndex = element.Left
rightIndex = element.Right
left = 0
if i < leftIndex < len(localCopy):
left = localCopy[leftIndex].Value
right = 0
if i < rightIndex < len(localCopy):
right = localCopy[rightIndex].Value
op = operator.add
if element.Value == '-':
op = operator.sub
value = op(left, right)
localCopy[i] = Node(value)
used[i] = iUsed

total = localCopy[0].Value
fitness = total if expectedTotal >= total >= 0 \
else total - expectedTotal if total < 0 \
else expectedTotal - total
if fitness == expectedTotal:
distinctElementsUsed = set(used[0])
fitness = 1000 - len(distinctElementsUsed)

return fitness

def displayDot(candidate, startTime):
result = createDot(candidate.Genes)
timeDiff = - startTime
print("%s\nfitness: %i\t%s" % (";".join(result), candidate.Fitness, str(timeDiff)))

def createDot(genes):
dotCommands = []
added = [False for i in range(0, len(genes))]
stack = [0]
haveZeroNode = False
while len(stack) > 0:
index = stack.pop()
if added[index]:
added[index] = True
element = genes[index]
if not element.isFunction():
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " [label=\"" + str(element.Value) + "\"]")
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " [label=\"" + element.Value + "\"]")
leftIndex = element.Left
if index < leftIndex < len(genes):
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " -> " + str(leftIndex))
if not haveZeroNode:
dotCommands.append("zero [label=\"0\"]")
haveZeroNode = True
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " -> zero")
rightIndex = element.Right
if index < rightIndex < len(genes):
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " -> " + str(rightIndex))
if not haveZeroNode:
dotCommands.append("zero [label=\"0\"]")
haveZeroNode = True
dotCommands.append(str(index) + " -> zero")

return dotCommands

def displayRaw(candidate, startTime):
timeDiff = - startTime
print("%s\t%i\t%s" %
((' '.join(map(str, [item.Value for item in candidate.Genes]))),

def displayPrefixNotation(candidate, startTime):
result = createEquation(candidate.Genes)
timeDiff = - startTime
print("%s\t%i\t%s" % (result, candidate.Fitness, str(timeDiff)))

def createEquation(genes):
used = [0 for i in range(0, len(genes))]
equationWithReferences = visitNode(genes, used, 0)
for i in range(len(genes)):
if used[i] == 0:
if used[i] == 1:
equationWithReferences = equationWithReferences.replace("[" + str(i) + "]", "")
return equationWithReferences

def visitNode(genes, used, index):
result = ""
if used[index] == 0:
element = genes[index]
if not element.isFunction():
result += str(element.Value)
used[index] = 1
result += "[" + str(index) + "]"
result += "(" + element.Value + " "
leftIndex = element.Left
if index < leftIndex < len(genes):
result += visitNode(genes, used, leftIndex)
result += " 0"
rightIndex = element.Right
if index < rightIndex < len(genes):
result += " " + visitNode(genes, used, rightIndex)
result += " 0"
result += ")"
used[index] = 2
result += "->[" + str(index) + "]"
return result

def createGene(index, geneset, maxNodes):
value = geneset[random.randint(0, len(geneset) - 1)]
if isinstance(value, str):
left = random.randint(index, maxNodes - 1)
right = random.randint(index, maxNodes - 1)
return Node(value, left, right)
return Node(value)

class EquationGenerationTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
geneset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '+', '-']
minNodes = 5 # (+ (+ ->[a] [a](+ 7 [b]5)) [b])
expectedTotal = 29
maxNodes = 30
optimalValue = 1000 - minNodes
startTime =
fnDisplay = lambda candidate: displayPrefixNotation(candidate, startTime)
fnGetFitness = lambda candidate: getFitness(candidate, expectedTotal)
fnCreateGene = lambda index: createGene(index, geneset, maxNodes)
best = genetic.getBest(fnGetFitness, fnDisplay, minNodes, optimalValue, createGene=fnCreateGene,
self.assertTrue(best.Fitness >= optimalValue)

def test_getFitness_given_total_equals_expectedTotal_should_get_1000_minus_total_Nodes_used(self):
genes = [Node(1)]
expectedTotal = 1
result = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
totalNodesUsed = len(genes)
self.assertEqual(result, 1000 - totalNodesUsed)

def test_getFitness_given_expectedTotal_GE_total_and_total_GE_0_should_get_total(self):
total = 5
genes = [Node(total)]
expectedTotal = 9
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, total)

def test_getFitness_given_total_LT_zero_should_get_total_minus_expectedTotal(self):
total = -5
genes = [Node(total)]
expectedTotal = 9
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, total - expectedTotal)

def test_getFitness_given_total_GT_expectedTotal_should_get_expectedTotal_minus_total(self):
total = 14
genes = [Node(total)]
expectedTotal = 9
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, expectedTotal - total)

def test_getFitness_given_PLUS_4_7_and_expectedTotal_20_should_get_11(self):
genes = [Node('+', 1, 2), Node(4), Node(7)]
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 4 + 7)

def test_getFitness_given_MINUS_7_4_and_expectedTotal_20_should_get_3(self):
genes = [Node('-', 1, 2), Node(7), Node(4)]
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 7 - 4)

def test_getFitness_given_PLUS_7_and_a_Left_value_GT_the_size_of_genes_and_expectedTotal_20_should_get_7(self):
genes = [Node('+', 100, 1), Node(7)]
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 7)

def test_getFitness_given_PLUS_7_and_a_Right_value_GT_the_size_of_genes_and_expectedTotal_20_should_get_7(self):
genes = [Node('+', 1, 100), Node(7)]
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 7)

def test_getFitness_given_PLUS_PLUS_5_4_3_and_expectedTotal_20_should_get_12(self):
genes = [Node('+', 1, 2), Node('+', 3, 4), Node(5), Node(4), Node(3)]
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 12)

def test_getFitness_given_PLUS_PLUS_5_4_3_and_other_unreferenced_nodes_should_ignore_the_unreferenced_nodes(self):
genes = [Node('+', 2, 4), Node(9), Node('+', 6, 8), Node(8), Node(5), Node(7), Node(4), Node(6), Node(3),
expectedTotal = 20
fitness = getFitness(genes, expectedTotal)
self.assertEqual(fitness, 12)

if __name__ == '__main__':
41 changes: 28 additions & 13 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,43 +2,58 @@

def crossover(parent, parent2, get_fitness):
index = random.randint(0, len(parent.Genes) - 1)
destIndex = random.randint(0, len(parent.Genes) - 1)
srcIndex = destIndex if len(parent2.Genes) > destIndex else random.randint(0, len(parent2.Genes) - 1)
childGenes = list(parent.Genes)
childGenes[index] = parent2.Genes[index]
childGenes[destIndex] = parent2.Genes[srcIndex]
fitness = get_fitness(childGenes)
return Individual(childGenes, fitness)

def mutate(parent, geneSet, get_fitness):
geneIndex = random.randint(0, len(geneSet) - 1)
def mutate(parent, geneSet, get_fitness, createGene):
index = random.randint(0, len(parent.Genes) - 1)
childGenes = list(parent.Genes)
childGenes[index] = geneSet[geneIndex]
if geneSet is not None:
geneIndex = random.randint(0, len(geneSet) - 1)
childGenes[index] = geneSet[geneIndex]
childGenes[index] = createGene(index)
fitness = get_fitness(childGenes)
return Individual(childGenes, fitness)

def generateParent(length, geneSet, get_fitness):
def generateParent(minLength, maxLength, geneSet, get_fitness, createGene):
childGenes = []
for i in range(0, length):
geneIndex = random.randint(0, len(geneSet) - 1)
length = random.randint(minLength, maxLength)
if geneSet is not None:
for i in range(0, length):
geneIndex = random.randint(0, len(geneSet) - 1)
for i in range(0, length):
fitness = get_fitness(childGenes)
return Individual(childGenes, fitness)

def getBest(get_fitness, display, targetLen, optimalFitness, geneSet):
def getBest(get_fitness, display, minLen, optimalFitness, geneSet=None, createGene=None, maxLen=None):
bestParent = generateParent(targetLen, geneSet, get_fitness)
if geneSet is None and createGene is None:
raise ValueError('must specify geneSet or createGene')
if geneSet is not None and createGene is not None:
raise ValueError('cannot specify both geneSet and createGene')
if maxLen is None:
maxLen = minLen
bestParent = generateParent(minLen, maxLen, geneSet, get_fitness, createGene)

options = {
0: lambda p: mutate(p, geneSet, get_fitness),
0: lambda p: mutate(p, geneSet, get_fitness, createGene),
1: lambda p: crossover(p, bestParent, get_fitness)

while bestParent.Fitness < optimalFitness:
parent = generateParent(targetLen, geneSet, get_fitness)
parent = generateParent(minLen, maxLen, geneSet, get_fitness, createGene)
attemptsSinceLastImprovement = 0
while attemptsSinceLastImprovement < 128:
child = options[random.randint(0, len(options) - 1)](parent)
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