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Small preact boilerplate modified to display a github users repos, simply run npm run dev GH_OAUTH_TOKEN to start the dev environment

Preact Boilerplate

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🎸 Ready-to-rock Preact starter project, powered by webpack.

🚀 If you're starting a new project using Preact, you've come to the right place. Below is a step-by-step guide that takes you straight from downloading this boilerplate to production.

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Quick-Start Guide


1. Clone this repo:

git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app

2. Make it your own:

rm -rf .git && git init && npm init

ℹ️ This re-initializes the repo and sets up your NPM project.

3. Install the dependencies:

npm install

You're done installing! Now let's get started developing.

Development Workflow

4. Start a live-reload development server:


This is a full web server nicely suited to your project. Any time you make changes within the src directory, it will rebuild and even refresh your browser.

5. Generate a production build in ./build:

npm run build

You can now deploy the contents of the build directory to production!

Example: deploy to

surge ./build -d


Apps are built up from simple units of functionality called Components. A Component is responsible for rendering a small part of an application, given some input data called props, generally passed in as attributes in JSX. A component can be as simple as:

class Link extends Component {
  render({ to, children }) {
    return <a href={ to }>{ children }</a>;
// usage:
<Link to="/">Home</Link>

CSS Modules

This project is set up to support CSS Modules. By default, styles in src/style are global (not using CSS Modules) to make global declarations, imports and helpers easy to declare. Styles in src/components are loaded as CSS Modules via Webpack's css-loader. Modular CSS namespaces class names, and when imported into JavaScript returns a mapping of canonical (unmodified) CSS classes to their local (namespaced/suffixed) counterparts.

When imported, this LESS/CSS:

.redText { color:red; }
.blueText { color:blue; }

... returns the following map:

import styles from './style.css';
// {
//   redText: 'redText_local_9gt72',
//   blueText: 'blueText_local_9gt72'
// }

Note that the suffix for local classNames is generated based on an md5 hash of the file. Changing the file changes the hash.

Handling URLS

💁 This project contains a basic two-page app with URL routing.

Pages are just regular components that get mounted when you navigate to a certain URL. Any URL parameters get passed to the component as props.

Defining what component(s) to load for a given URL is easy and declarative. You can even mix-and-match URL parameters and normal props.

  <A path="/" />
  <B path="/b" id="42" />
  <C path="/c/:id" />




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