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Innocent Bystander edited this page May 9, 2017 · 14 revisions

Framework 2.7+ introduces the concept of system plugins. These are "core" plugins that are always loaded when the bot is initialised. This provides a richer starting command set. This section lists these in-built commands with relevant links:

Basic Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.basic

getting help

help [<command name>]

  • This command is usually available to all users
  • Without <command name>, the bot will list all available commands in a private message with the user
    • [ ver >= 2.7 ] The available commands list may differ from conversation-to-conversation depending on configured access controls
  • When a <command name> is supplied, the bot will try and retrieve any available command-specific help
  • [ ver >= 2.7 ] An impersonate sub-command is available for configured bot administrators to impersonate another user in other conversations to see what commands are available to them - this subcommand is useful for diagnostics and cannot be used to run other commands under a different identity. Usage: /bot help impersonate <user id> [<conv id>]

switching language

locale <language code>

  • This command is usually available only to admins
  • Temporarily switches the bot language to a supported language from the translation project
  • Resets to English (untranslated) on bot restart

stop using bot features


  • This command is usually available to all users
  • Toggles opt-in/opt-out of advanced bot features
  • Works by making existing 1-on-1 chat with the specific user invisible to the bot
    • Bot will continue responding to the user in a group chat, but any feature/plugin which requires a 1-on-1 chat is effectively disabled when toggled ON
  • Sending a private message to the bot when you are opted-out will automatically toggle opt-out OFF

checking the bot is running


  • This command is usually available to all users
  • Bot replies with a pong

display plugin info

Moved to Plugin Control Commands

getting bot version

[ver>=3.0.0] version [<modulename1> <modulename2> ...]


  • This command is usually available to all users
  • Bot replies with the version number of the framework
  • [ver>=3.0.0] Extra version information for known problematic modules will be output - this list will change over time, depending on current issues
    • Admins can optionally specify a space-separated list of modules e.g. /bot version telepot appdirs to retrieve the __version__ attribute of the specified module(s), if it exists.

CONVID Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.convid

Please see: CONVID Commands

Logger to Chat Message Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.loggertochat

Please see: commands list

Permamem Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.permamem

Please see: Permamem Diagnostics & Repair Commands

Plugin Control Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.plugincontrol

Please see: Plugin Control Commands

Tagging Commands

Registered in system plugin: commands.tagging

Please see: Basic Tag Manipulation

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