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#Avocado Recipe Board ##Become a member of the avocado group and ddd your personal avocado recipes

installation and setup

To run the code,

visit the project 2 github repository. Hit 'clone or download'. Using your terminal, run the Yarn command to install the dependencies needed. Run Gulp to compile the Source Code. Note- You will need to have 'gulp -cli' installed globally.

The app

An avocado recipe upload blog for avocado lovers. Once the user inputs an avocado recipe the app will save this onto the avocado recipe index page. The app will categorise the recipe into a 'Recipe Type'. There is also a search bar in the corner which will search all the recipes on the site even if you miss some letters out using RegEx code.

To use the app, you must register as an avocado member, you will then be able to see all of the recipes and be able to leave comments, mark your favourites and rate recipes. You can then create a new recipe once you are a registered avocado member. When you are adding a recipe you can type in the ingredients and the method and every time you hit enter it will create a bullet point for your recipe.

Technologies Used

Software used-

HTML 5 SCSS Javascript ES6 Jquery 3.10 Gulp NODE.js Yarn Git & Git Hub

Challenges faced

One of the challenges faced while producing this project was making the method and the ingredients list turn into bullet points when the user was filling in the 'new recipe form'.

I am proud of the functionality of the site, I do however feel that the styling has a long way to go. I would also like to work on some functionality to see if I could get the videos to 'auto-play' in sequence once they have been saved to the video playlist.

A major drawback of the functionality is also due to the Front End build. If a user adds the song to the setlist to save for later, the page is refreshed, loosing any suggestions or videos which are lined up, amounting to a poor user experience. To solve this problem, I may have to rebuild the Front End as an Angular App, which allows for the DB and view to be updated without refreshing the page. Though this would involve alot of work, I think the benefit's of the improved UX would be worth while.


General Assembly, London






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