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Another Webpack/React-Starter

This is yet another starter kit for projects where you want to use Webpack, Babel, React/Redux, Jest and some other dependencies I've found myself re-using again and again.

No pre-installed type-checking

There is no type checking, so you can choose if you want to use PropTypes, TypeScript or something else.


This setup uses Atomic Design-principles for folder structure.

You can read more about these here:


This setup is prepared for using SCSS and/or CSS. Naming a file .module.scss will generate module-specific CSS while files without this will generate general CSS (that can potentially conflict).

In production autoprefixer is used so no manually added browser-prefixes are required.


Eslint along with Prettier. Make sure your code editor has support/plugins for Eslint and Prettier to avoid having to fix linting manually.

Every time you want to make a commit there is a check to make sure you don't commit code that has linting errors in them.

You can change the rules for linting in .eslintrc.js.

Font Awesome

We're using Font Awesome for icons. Via Babel these are individually imported to make the final build smaller so you don't have to name these imports as this:

import { faCog } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCog'

Leaving out the last /faCog will still only import the specifically used icons, thanks to Babel doing this for us.

(See babel.config.js for details.)


Jest along with @testing-library/react. Configuration associated with Jest is found in jest.config.js and src/setupTests.js.


Some commonly used polyfills are already installed, but you can add more to polyfills.js.


Used when you want to build components without having to load the entire application, or for overview of all existing components.

A wrapper for all components to render in styleguideist server is found in src/rsg-components/Wrapper.js.

Babel 7

This project uses Babel 7 for transpiling JavaScript into production code. You can change the configuration in babel.config.js.

Webpack 4

This project uses Webpack 4 for building and development. The configuration file webpack.config.js has all settings for development as well as production code.


Command Effect
npm run dev Runs application in development-mode
npm run build Builds application for production
npm run build:analyze Builds application with bundle analyzer
npm run test Runs test-runner in watch-mode
npm run test:clear Clears Jest cache
npm run text:coverage Gives test-coverage statistics
npm run styleguide Launches the styleguide server
npm run styleguide:build Builds the styleguide
npm run lint Runs linter to check for errors
npm run lint:fix Runs linter and fixes all automatically fixable errors
npm run format Runs prettier and fixes formating errors
npm run prettier Runs prettier to check for formating errors
npm run validate Checks for linting and formatting errors combined


Hanna Söderström


A foundation for a new React Application







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