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This is a port of the "Allegro Nameserver" to usocket, bordeaux-threads and cl-ppcre, making it possible to run on Lisps other than Allegro Common Lisp, which is the implementation it was originally written for.

The port is not yet functional!

Here is the original readme.txt, edited to MD format:

Allegro Nameserver


Written in Common Lisp. This means no exploitable buffer overruns. Source code is freely available and is relatively small (compare to 4 megabyte BIND9 distribution). Can be a primary or secondary nameserver. Can be used as just a caching nameserver. Supports the DNS NOTIFY protocol (when used as a secondary)

Setting up and using Allegro Nameserver

copy config.lisp.sample to config.lisp.

Edit config.lisp to your liking. Notes on each of the parameters follows:

*dnsport*: This is the port that the nameserver will listen on and make queries from. Most people will never need to change this.

*dnshost*: This is either nil or a string with the IP address of the interface on which the program should listen for packets. If 'nil', the program will listen on all available interfaces.

*rootcache*: The filename of the named.root file. This file contains bootstrapping information for the nameserver cache.

*zonelist*: This is the list of zones for which this nameserver is the primary. Each entry in the list is a list of (domain zonefile), where 'domain' is a string that specifies the domain in question and 'zonefile' specifies the filename which contains the zone information. Zone files are in the standard format (i.e., the same format that BIND uses).

*secondarylist*: This is the list of zones for which this nameserver is a secondary. Each entry in the list is a list of (domain zonefile masters). 'domain' is a string that specifies the domain in question. 'zonefile' specifies the filename which will store the zone information (the file is updated each time there is a zone transfer from the primary nameserver). 'masters' is a list of IP addresses (strings) of upstream nameservers for this zone.

save config.lisp

start Lisp

(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :ans) ;; you may have to adjust your asdf:*central-registry*

Evaluate (main).

The nameserver is now running. Try some test queries to make sure it's working as you expect (useful tools for testing: dig, host, or nslookup).


DNS server written in Common Lisp







No releases published
