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hanshuebner committed Dec 12, 2010
2 parents 61d6daf + d613bde commit fa37783
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Showing 5 changed files with 434 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions experimental/shop/money.lisp
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
(in-package :shop)

(defclass money ()
((currency :initarg :currency
:reader currency
:type symbol)
(amount :initarg :amount
:accessor amount
:type integer))
"Represent monetary value, including a currency."))

(defun make-money (amount &optional (currency :eur))
(make-instance 'money :currency currency :amount amount))

(defmethod print-object ((money money) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (money stream :type t)
(format stream "~D.~2,'0D ~A"
(floor (amount money) 100)
(mod (amount money) 100)
(currency money))))

(defmethod bknr.datastore::encode-object ((money money) stream)
(bknr.datastore::%write-char #\C stream)
(bknr.datastore::%encode-symbol (currency money) stream)
(bknr.datastore::%encode-integer (amount money) stream))

(defmethod bknr.datastore::decode-object ((tag (eql #\C)) stream)
(make-instance 'money
:currency (bknr.datastore::%decode-symbol stream)
:amount (bknr.datastore::%decode-integer stream)))
318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions experimental/shop/shop.lisp
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@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
(in-package :shop)

;; Shopping system.

;; The shop offers both downloadable as well as mail-order type
;; products.

;; While browsing the shop web site, customers put products they want
;; to buy into a shopping cart. The shopping cart is stored a cookie
;; in the browser.

;; Once finished with selecting products, the user is asked to either
;; log in or create a new customer object. The amount of data that
;; the user is required to supply for the order depends on the type of
;; the order. To buy download products, only the email address is
;; mandatory.

;; An order object is created in the database from the shopping cart
;; cookie data.

(define-persistent-class product ()
:type money
"Price of the product, not including any taxes.")
:type string
:index-type string-unique-index
"Short name of the product, must be unique, should be identifier")
:type string
"Textual description of the product")))

(defgeneric sell (product)
"Sell PRODUCT, adjusting the stock count if needed. Returns the product sold."))

(defgeneric product-stock-count (product)
"Return the number of instances of PRODUCT available, or NIL if the
product can be sold in infinite amounts.")
(:method (product)
"By default, assume infinite supply"

(define-persistent-class download-product (product)
"A product that can be directly downloaded from the system. To buy
such a product, the customer needs to supply no shipping
address. Once paid, the system makes the product available to the
customer for download."))

(define-persistent-class emailable-product (product)
"A product that can be sent to the customer by email \(i.e. an
archive product). To buy such a product, an email address needs to
be supplied by the customer. Once paid, the system sends the
order to the store personnel for fulfillment."))

(define-persistent-class mailable-product (product)
((stock-count :update
:type integer
:accessor product-stock-count
"Number of instances of this product that are
available to be sold, including reserved amounts in
shopping carts.")
(reserved-count :update
:type integer
:initform 0))
"A product that is sent to the customer by regular mail \(i.e. a
t-shirt or poster). Once paid, the system sends the order to the
store personell for fulfillment."))

(defgeneric available-p (product count)
(:documentation "Return a true value if COUNT units of PRODUCT are
currently available. Should be called with the store guard locked.")
(:method (product count)
(or (null (product-stock-count product))
(<= count (product-stock-count product)))))

(defmethod product-stock-count ((product mailable-product))
"The available stock count for a mailable product is reduced by the reserved count and returned."
(- (slot-value product 'stock-count)
(mailable-product-reserved-count product)))

(defmethod (setf product-stock-count) (newval (product mailable-product))
"The available sock count for a mailable product is set to NEWVAL."
(when (< newval (mailable-product-reserved-count product))
(error "cannot reduce the available stock count below the reserved count"))
(setf (slot-value product 'stock-count) newval))

(define-persistent-class shipping-address ()
((country :read))
"Abstract base class for shipping addresses. The child classes of
SHIPPING-ADDRESS implement a particular surface address structure,
as required by the country."))

(define-persistent-class customer (user)
((name :update
"Full name of the customer.")
(invoice-addresses :update
"List of invoice addresses with the preferred address being the
CAR of the list.")
(shipping-addresses :update
"List of shipping addresses with the preferred address being the
CAR of the list.")))

(define-persistent-class number-generator ()
((name :read
:type symbol
:initform (error "cannot make number-generator instance without name")
:index-type string-unique-index
:index-reader number-generator-with-name)
(next :update
:type integer
:initarg :next
:initform 1)))

(defun get-next-number (name)
(with-transaction (:get-next-number)
(let* ((number-generator (or (number-generator-with-name name)
(make-instance 'number-generator :name name)))
(number (number-generator-next number-generator)))
(incf (number-generator-next number-generator))

(define-persistent-class order ()
((number :read
:initform (get-next-number 'orders))
(customer :read)
(items :update)))

(defgeneric make-order (customer shopping-cart)
"Create a new ORDER instance, initialized from the CUSTOMER and
SHOPPING-CART objects supplied. Returns the order created."))

(define-persistent-class invoice ()
((number :read
:initform (get-next-number 'invoices))
(items :update)))

(define-persistent-class lease ()
((product :read
:initform (error "missing :product initarg to lease creation")
:documentation "product that has been leased")
(count :read
:initform (error "missing :count initarg to lease creation")
:documentation "number of units of product held by this lease")
(fulfilled :update
:initform nil
:documentation "Set to a true value when the lease has
been fulfilled. Used during lease descruction in order
to determine whether to return the leased inventory to
the product stock."))
(:documentation "Instance representing a lease for a product."))

(defgeneric update-reserved-stock (product count)
(:documentation "Update the reserved counter of PRODUCT by COUNT units")
(:method (product count)
(declare (ignore product count))))

(defgeneric note-sale (product count)
(:documentation "Update the stock count of the PRODUCT by COUNT
units after a sale has been done")
(:method (product count)
(declare (ignore product count))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((lease lease) &key)
(update-reserved-stock (lease-product lease) (lease-count lease)))

(defmethod destroy-object :before ((lease lease))
(unless (lease-fulfilled lease)
(update-reserved-stock (lease-product lease) (- (lease-count lease)))))

(defmethod update-reserved-stock ((product mailable-product) count)
(incf (mailable-product-reserved-count product) count))

(defmethod note-sale ((product mailable-product) count)
(decf (slot-value product 'stock-count) count)
(update-reserved-stock product (- count)))

(define-persistent-class shopping-cart ()
((leases :update
:initform nil)
(expires :read
:initform (error "missing :expires initarg to shopping cart creation")
:documentation "universal time at which this shopping cart expires"))
(:documentation "Represents the intent to buy goods, in the form of LEASE objects"))

(defmethod destroy-object :before ((shopping-cart shopping-cart))
(mapc #'delete-object (shopping-cart-leases shopping-cart)))

(define-condition insufficient-inventory (error)
((product :initarg :product
:reader product)
(requested :initarg :requested
:reader requested)
(available :initarg :available
:reader available))
(:report (lambda (c stream)
(format stream "Insufficient inventory for product ~A - Requested ~A, but~[~; only~]~:* ~A available"
(product c) (requested c) (available c))

(define-condition product-already-in-shopping-cart (error)
((product :initarg :product
:reader product))
(:report (lambda (c stream)
(format stream "Product ~A is already in shopping cart"
(product c)))))

(defun put-to-shopping-cart (count product shopping-cart)
"Reserve COUNT units of PRODUCT, signalling a INSUFFICIENT-INVENTORY
error if not enough inventory of PRODUCT is available. Returns a
LEASE object."
(with-store-guard ()
(unless (available-p product count)
(error 'insufficient-inventory
:product product
:requested count
:available (product-stock-count product)))
(when (find product (shopping-cart-leases shopping-cart)
:key #'lease-product)
(error 'product-already-in-shopping-cart
:product product))
(with-transaction (:make-lease)
(push (make-instance 'lease
:product product
:count count)
(shopping-cart-leases shopping-cart)))))

(defun fulfill (shopping-cart)
"Fulfill the given shopping cart."
(with-transaction (:fulfill)
(dolist (lease (shopping-cart-leases shopping-cart))
(let ((product (lease-product lease))
(count (lease-count lease)))
(setf (lease-fulfilled lease) t)
(note-sale product count)))
(delete-object shopping-cart)))


(defun getpid ()
#+(not (or sbcl openmcl))
(random 10000))

(defmacro with-temporary-directory ((pathname) &body body)
`(let ((,pathname (pathname (format nil "/tmp/store-test-~A/" (getpid)))))
(asdf:run-shell-command "rm -rf ~A" ,pathname)
(progn ,@body)
(asdf:run-shell-command "rm -rf ~A" ,pathname))))

(defun do-with-test-store (thunk)
(when (and (boundp '*store*) *store*)
(warn "closing open store *store* to run tests")
(with-temporary-directory (store-directory)
(make-instance 'mp-store
:subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem))
:directory store-directory)
(funcall thunk)

(defmacro with-test-store (() &body body)
`(do-with-test-store (lambda () ,@body)))

(unit-test:deftest :shop "lease and cart tests"
(with-test-store ()
(let* ((t-shirt (make-instance 'mailable-product :name 't-shirt :stock-count 10))
(file (make-instance 'download-product :name 'file))
(shopping-cart (make-instance 'shopping-cart :expires (+ (* 60 10) (get-universal-time)))))
(unit-test:test-equal 10 (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(put-to-shopping-cart 10 t-shirt shopping-cart)
(unit-test:test-equal 0 (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(unit-test:test-assert (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(with-transaction (:add-to-inventory)
(incf (slot-value t-shirt 'stock-count) 10))
(put-to-shopping-cart 5 t-shirt shopping-cart)
(unit-test:test-equal 5 (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(delete-object shopping-cart)
(unit-test:test-equal 20 (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(setf shopping-cart (make-instance 'shopping-cart :expires (+ (* 60 10) (get-universal-time))))
(put-to-shopping-cart 5 t-shirt shopping-cart)
(put-to-shopping-cart 500 file shopping-cart)
(unit-test:test-equal 15 (product-stock-count t-shirt)))))

(unit-test:deftest :shop "fulfill test"
(with-test-store ()
(let* ((t-shirt (make-instance 'mailable-product :name 't-shirt :stock-count 10))
(file (make-instance 'download-product :name 'file))
(shopping-cart (make-instance 'shopping-cart :expires (+ (* 60 10) (get-universal-time)))))
(put-to-shopping-cart 3 t-shirt shopping-cart)
(put-to-shopping-cart 7 file shopping-cart)
(fulfill shopping-cart)
(unit-test:test-equal 7 (product-stock-count t-shirt))
(unit-test:test-equal 0 (length (class-instances 'shopping-cart)))
(unit-test:test-equal 0 (length (class-instances 'lease)))
(unit-test:test-equal 0 (mailable-product-reserved-count t-shirt)))))
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/package.lisp
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;; shell functions


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